
The Holistically Aligned Business Program

Discover how to Build A business foundation that consistently attracts clients.


It can feel like you're juggling a dozen balls.

Doubts about if you'll ever be able to make sense of how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, are starting to creep in.

Where do you to start?

Do you need to hustle non-stop to see results?

Do you need to build a big following on social media first before you'll be able to get clients?

I'll cut to the chase and say, "NO!"

What you actually need is pretty straight forward.

FOCUS & a holistically aligned PLAN.

wondering if this program will be rigth for you..

Is this you?

  • You've got a business idea and need help to start or grow it.

  • Maybe you've already started, but you want and need more direction, guidance, support, and confidence.

  • You're not afraid to invest in yourself and your growth.

  • You want more freedom, flexibility, and fulfilment in your life.

  • You're ready to step out of your comfort zone and build the life you want.

  • You're ready to learn, build, create, launch, and grow your dream business.

  • You're ready to become the best version of yourself and live the life you deserve.

  • You're passionate about helping people

Achieving a thriving business requires holistic alignment

And there are 3 elements to align to build your dream business.

Here's the crux of it all: it begins with YOU.

It's not about what has worked for others - It's about crafting a tailored approach that works for you and YOUR unique journey.

You know your starting point and your desired destination.

From there, we craft a clear business strategy, establish an deep understanding of your target audience, implement a streamlined automated tech setup, and seamlessly weave it together with holistic health practices to enhance productivity and alignment.

When we merge these key elements together, you'll be granted with a robust holistically aligned business foundation.

No more uncertainty about what to do – instead, you'll move forward with unwavering confidence and enjoyment as you build the business of your DREAMS.

This is not your usual coaching program..

Combining the power of 3 with 3

3 months | 12 weeks | 90 days

9 sessions

3 sessions

10+ exercises

I truly believe in the strength of one-on-one coaching, the freedom to learn, plus work at your own pace in your own time, and the connection of a community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey alongside you.

That's why, in this program, I bring together the effectiveness of one-on-one coaching with group sessions and course materials.

Take a peek into the program

See what we'll be diving into in the Holistically Aligned Business Program.

This serves as a roadmap, showing you the key aspects we address to establish a robust business foundation. However, this isn't an exhaustive list; we adapt and customise based on your unique wants, needs and business's requirements!

#1 Assessment Phase

  • Transform doubt into crystal-clear clarity

  • Cultivate confidence and develop a strong CEO mindset

  • Craft a well-defined business strategy

  • Understand how to communicate effectively with your ideal clients.

Implementation Phase #2

  • Design an irresistible client offer (coaching, course, membership, product)

  • Build an efficient automated business machine

  • Implement a client attracting digital marketing funnel

  • Grow your audience

Launch & Evaluation Phase #3

  • Utilise an effective launch strategy to market your offer confidently

  • Master the numbers game to boost your success

  • Implement a cycle of offering and refining your product

And there is more....

Bonus Material

Learn how to

  • Craft Compelling and Conversion-Boosting Social Media Content

  • Align Your Business with Your Menstrual Cycle for Peak Performance and Flow

  • Master the Art of Team Building for Sustainable Growth


Why you can NO LONGER AFFORD to IGNORE your dream.

This dream of yours isn't going anywhere and that inside burning desire is only going to grow. You KNOW it otherwise you wouldn't be here! So it's time you stop making excuses, grab the help and finally build the life you want!

But what if you're....

Not sure what you exactly want to do with your business?

Don't worry I’ll help you uncover it! It’s all about understanding your strengths.

Still working your 9-5 and afraid you don't have enough time?

I get that, I’ve been there too, juggling two jobs. It's not easy, but we all have 24 hours in a day and there are people in a similar situation as yours that are making it work too. Keep in mind that one of these jobs is to work towards building your dream life and your dream job. Follow this program with me, build an incredible foundation for your business and be able to quit your full-time job in no time!

you don't have a website, big social media following or an idea of what to offer?

There is no need to have any of those! It's all part of the process and you'll learn how to build all of these things throughout this program.

scared to invest and ending up not seeing the results you wanted?

I get it, making such an investment is scary, but I also believe that if you don’t invest in yourself, you can’t expect others to invest in you. Ask yourself - what will happen, where would you be, 6 months down the line if you don't invest in yourself? Results happen when you fully commit to yourself and making this work!

Don't just take my word for it

What my clients have to say

Patsy Horianos

CEO of At Home Journeys

Joining this program was a game-changer for me. It instilled in me a newfound commitment to consistency and process, something I previously struggled with.

Having Gitte there to hold me accountable was invaluable. The guidance provided, especially as a first-time course creator, was a lifeline.

The initial phase of the program forced me to dive deep into the foundational aspects of course creation. The exercises offered clarity on my target audience, the impact I wanted to make, and how to craft a course that truly resonated. It covered all the vital elements needed for a successful course creation and launch.

Honestly, this program has provided everything necessary for me to feel confident and establish a robust business foundation.

The pacing was just right—enough time to find my direction without feeling rushed. Gitte's coaching style was warm, genuine, and caring, offering clear and concise guidance on each step.

I've enjoyed every aspect of this program and deeply appreciate Gitte's commitment to wanting to see me succeed.

Tatsu Orri

Ex. Head of Central EMEA Sales Strategy at Amazon Web Services (AWS) | Current CEO of Taz London Consultancy

Gitte is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring professionals I have had the privilege of collaborating with. Her strong vision and exceptional leadership skills make her stand out. She consistently demonstrates a willingness to take ownership and explore unconventional approaches while making significant strides every day.

As a business consultant, Gitte is outstanding. She consistently expresses her opinions in a constructive and positive manner. She maintains a professional attitude, exudes boundless energy, and remains composed even in high-pressure situations.

Without hesitation, I would eagerly collaborate with Gitte again, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to others.

Toni Finnimore

CEO of The Social Society

Gitte is an incredibly talented women with a huge depth of knowledge in operations, sales and business development.

Her expertise, teaching style and patience has allowed me to create a seamless sales and biz dev process, whilst being there every step of they way.

Gitte has made the complex seem easy and for a solo founder attempting to spin many plates, this has been invaluable.

Thank you so much Gitte, forever grateful to you

Ivandra Cavalcanti Broome

CEO of Iva Intuitive Coach

Working with Gitte has been an amazing experience that has taught me a lot about business and personal growth. She has a real and honest perspective that I appreciate. Gitte has helped me set up valuable systems that I can change and add new products to.

I had been struggling with this on my own for a while, so I'm really grateful for her expertise and guidance.

I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with Gitte for the past 3 months. She knows a lot about business and systems, and she has some great tools for personal development too.

What I love most is that she's a pleasure to deal with. Gitte is kind, hardworking, and wonderful in every way. I've become a big fan!

I can't recommend her services enough. If you work with her, you're really fortunate to have her on your side!

what about the price

There are 2 ways to get the Holistically Aligned Business Program

But first - Imagine if you could:

Skip the trial and error stage and learn directly from a business owner that has helped countless of other small and big corporate organisations build a strong business foundation.

No longer feel uncertain about the journey you're on and the next steps to take.

Quit the 9-5 and be your own CEO + have freedom to live the life you dream of.

How much would that be worth to you?

I've invested more than €30,000 and 10+ years into getting there.

And I've put everything I've learned into this program and giving it to YOU for just 10% of the money i've spend and only 3 months of your time.

Pay in full

& Save*

One Payment of

€ 2999,-



3 payments of

€ 1005,-

Both prices are exclusive 21% tax.


You'll also receive €3000 in additional BONUSES & RESOURCES

Holistically Aligned CEO Community

Landing & Sales Page Templates

High-Converting Email Samples

Workflow Examples for Improved Conversions

Step-by-Step Launch & Process Checklist to Keep You on Track

Program-enhancing Workbooks and Exercises

Essential Software Recommendations for Your Business

1 month MyDux Access FREE (the only all-in-one-platform you will ever need for your business)

Who am i?

My name is Gitte van de Vliert...

And for as long as I can remember, I've been seeking for MORE. Striving for that bigger thing, even when I didn't necessarily knew what that meant or looked like.

My journey as an entrepreneur started at 19 when I got into the hairdressing industry as a franchiser.

After a successful first year in business I was asked to help expand the company by setting up two new salons across the country and train hairdressers to become thriving franchisees.

The drive to make it all successful drove me almost into burnout and my passion dwindled.

Something was missing and I knew I wasn't going to find it if I continued doing the same thing.

So I listened to my gut and decided to take a bold step.

I quit my job and moved to London.

Not only did I move country, I completely changed my career

I dove into the corporate world, hungry for knowledge about every facet of business: sales, marketing, client success, operations—you name it. Over the past eight years, I've immersed myself in nearly every department of a business.

I've worked with International corporate enterprise organisations and small start-up organisations to create revenue-generating lead funnels that deliver substantial ROI.

I've introduced new products to the market, streamlined and digitised entire commercial departments. I've helped growing companies from 50 - 250 employees, while implementing team structures, business processes and systems.

But my journey wasn't just about business.

It was profoundly personal. I faced numerous challenges and dark moments, the kind that makes you question everything—life and yourself.

With one recurring question, "Is this all there is to life?"

I embarked on a profound exploration, delving into the realms of the mind, body, soul, and spirituality—deeply examining my thoughts, beliefs, actions, and reactions.

I questioned everything I had ever known, realising how much I had been living on autopilot and how dissatisfied I was with the person I had become and the life I was leading.

As painful as it was at times, it's the greatest gift I could give myself.

It's what empowered me to build a life I love, while using my expertise in business to not only build my own business, but help others to build theirs.

So, what does all this have to do with how I can help you?

I've been where you are now.

I know how much you want to make this work. How much you want to build a life you love - a life of abundance, freedom, and fulfilment.

How you're passionate about wanting to help others, yet feel scared to step into the unknown. To do and believe in something that no one around you does. To open yourself up for the world to be seen.

To question every step you take, to wonder if you're maybe not cut out for this because you haven't seen the results yet, or you don't know where to even begin.

And I know how to get on the other side of it.

It's time to stop the doubting and confidently build your dream business & life.

I've condensed all the valuable lessons I've learned in life and business into this program, so you can avoid the hiccups I faced, speed up your progress, feel confident, and supported every step of the way.

With the key outcome being;

Having a strong holistically aligned inner and business foundation so you can thrive in life and business.

High level summary

Qualifications & Expertise

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach

  • MBA Certification

  • Niche alignment

  • Lead & sales generating funnels

  • Digital marketing

  • Business Automation

  • Business strategy

  • International business expansion

  • Generating sales through cold & warm outreach

  • Building and leading multiple successful teams across different departments and industries

  • Data analysis to create performance improvement strategies.

  • Market research to identify product fit and monetise before you make it.

when you apply

How it works

Apply today and schedule your energy match call with me.

This call is to determine if we're aligned, ensuring the best possible outcome and success for you.

Upon approval and after payment has been made you'll gain instant access to your workbook + private facebook group and receive the invitation to your 1:1 + group coaching session

Prepare for your first individual coaching session. Commit to give it your all for the next 3-months and get ready to change your life!

Other questions answered


How long are the 1:1 coaching sessions?

Each 1:1 coaching session is roughly 60-minutes

What makes this coaching program different from others?

Everything I share in this program is rooted in my hands-on experience building successful product and service-based businesses. My knowledge spans both the corporate world and startups, offering you insights backed by real-life achievements.

In this program we don't just stop at goals and strategies; we delve into the crucial technical elements and health aspects essential for a strong business foundation.

And on top of that, this program doesn't limit you to just 1:1 coaching, group coaching, or course material – you get the benefits of all three combined.

What if I already have a business and some clients?

Get ready to elevate both you and your business to new heights! There are endless opportunities for growth and upleveling to achieve your business goals. We're here to tailor the program to your unique business goals, so no matter what they are, we've got you covered.

I struggle with the tech side of things, how much detail do you go into?

I got you! We will cover this extensively throughout the program and additional support is there if needed!

I struggle with confidence and putting myself out there - will this program help?

It most certainly will! Many of my past clients including myself have transformed - from being scared to getting out there on social media to showing up without hesitation and serving our communities. The exercises will not only give you the confidence in yourself, but will also help you to break free from fear of judgement.

I want to launch my business faster than 3 months, can I fast track my learning?

You absolutely can! It all depends on your own commitment, how many hours you can spend each day on your business.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the program each week?

It depends on your desired pace - how quickly you want to progress and establish your offers and business. The time allocated to exercises and implementing elements may increase as you approach your offer and business launch. On average, you can expect to need to invest approximately 4 to 8 hours per week.

Can I add on extra coaching calls? 

Certainly, you have the option to extend your coaching program by an additional 3 months with the upgraded support package or add additional coaching sessions to your current package.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

- Lao Tzu

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved