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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 48 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 01, 20235 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe? It's already the last month of 2023! Time flies, isn't it?

As we approach the year-end chaos, let's hit the brakes for a moment and reflect.

Why reflect, you ask?

Reflecting is like looking in a mirror. It shows what worked and what didn't. It's the secret sauce for growth! 🚀 Not just in business but also on a personal level.

Reflect on your 2023 goals.

Ponder over the goals you had set at the start of the year. Look at the journey you've been on.

Acknowledge & feel the highs of your achievements, and yeah, even the lows.

Faced some challenges? Give yourself credit for conquering them!

This reflection isn't a self-celebration (although you deserve it!); it's the awareness you need to fuel for your 2024 journey.

To help you a hand with reflecting, I've created a reflection journal page for you - Download it here for FREE.

Also, bear in mind - December isn't just about wrapping up this year, it's about setting the vibe for the next one. Knowing where you stand now arms you with the wisdom to strategise for the future.

Hop on to 📈 Tip of the week for the game plan for December 2023

Imagine kicking off 2024 with a clear vision and a roadmap paved with the lessons of 2023. How awesome would that be?

That's why I've been contemplating hosting a one-time-only FREE live workshop on December 14th 2023, guiding you on how to construct a robust Business Strategy. This way, you'll have a clear direction to make 2024 your most successful year yet!

Interested? Hit the reply button and drop me a YES!!

What else is coming up:

📈Tips: How best to utilise the last month of the year?

☕️ Stories to remember: Disrupt Perfectionism and Design Your Best Life

👀 Exclusive insights: Biggest Competitive Differentiator for your Business

💫 Resources: A Book that transformed my approach to Business

📈 Tip of the week

Here’s the game-plan for December 2023

  1. Goal Check-in:

    • Revisit the promises you made to yourself and your business.

    • Celebrate the wins, no matter how small.

  2. Embrace the Numbers:

    • Dive into your financials. Identify your most profitable services.

    • Take a peek at your expenses – any surprises? Adjust your budget for a smoother ride in 2024.

  3. Client Love Fest:

    • Reach out to your clients with a heartfelt message of gratitude.

    • Personal connections build lasting partnerships.

  4. Strategic Planning

    • Assess your current offerings, client base, and financial health.

    • Identify what services brought in the most joy and profit.

    • Consider if any need to tweak your offerings

  5. Year-End Promotions:

    • Capitalize on the holiday season with strategic promotions.

    • Offer exclusive deals or bundles to attract new clients.

    • Create a sense of urgency – limited-time offers can boost sales and engagement.

  6. Self-Care Sprint:

    • The end of the year can be hectic

    • Prioritize self-care for your overall well-being

    • Be rejuvenated entrepreneur to conquer the new year.

Remember, it's not just about finishing the year; it's about laying the groundwork for a fantastic 2024.

How about this:

In just four weeks, I'll be following up with you to hear all about how your December went. Can't wait to hear about your wins, and learn from the challenges together!

☕️New Episode: Conscious Choices: Navigating Wellness, Creativity, and Business

Join me on this insightful conversation with Lauren Best- a certified hypnotherapist, who works at the intersection of wellness, consciousness, creativity and business.

Her insights on how to make conscious choices that align with your vision, by disrupting perfectionism and opening your mind to exploration, are a must-listen for every entrepreneur busy hustling her way!

Listen now to discover how to design your life to bring out the best version of yourself.

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

👀 Industry Insights

What is the competitive differentiator for your business? Better Product? Top-notch Service? Competitive Pricing?

Well, today my friend, it’s all about Customer Experience. (CX)

Customer experience is your customers’ perception of how your business treats them. It greatly impacts their behavior, emotions, and loyalty towards the brand.

To our surprise,

86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience.

A quick look for relevant trends for your service businesses

  1. Omnichannel customer service on the rise

    1. Unlike the 90s, when there was only telephone (or fax, remember those?), today’s customers interact across multiple channels, through website, social media, email, etc

  2. Mobile customer experience is a priority

    1. 57% of customers won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

    2. And if a website isn’t mobile-friendly, 50% of customers will stop visiting it, even if they like the business.

  3. Customers demand immediate attention

    1. The longer it takes for a business to reply, the less likely it is that the customer will engage.

    2. If this happens regularly, then your customer will stop trying to contact you. Eventually, they’ll leave.

Today, where 9 out of 10 businesses compete on customer experience, success lies in prioritizing CX. One way to handle this is by using a CRM

The one CRM, I absolutely love is MyDux. It simplifies your workby bringing your entire business onto ONE platform.

Hit Reply to this to get One-month Free Access to MyDux.

💫 Resources

🖊️ 14-day journaling challenge | The one thing that can help you to reflect and plan for this last months is journaling. It helps you build greater awareness, uncover plus overcome internal blocks and simply deal with things than Journaling. Not sure where to start - sign up for FREE

📚 Dive into Alex Hormozi's $100M offer – a game-changer for your business growth. Alex shares his proven strategies, actionable insights, and real-world examples of how he went from bankrupt to a multi-million dollar portfolio. Don't miss this transformative opportunity!

Online business plan last month of the yearcompetitive differentiator$100M offer
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 48 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 01, 20235 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe? It's already the last month of 2023! Time flies, isn't it?

As we approach the year-end chaos, let's hit the brakes for a moment and reflect.

Why reflect, you ask?

Reflecting is like looking in a mirror. It shows what worked and what didn't. It's the secret sauce for growth! 🚀 Not just in business but also on a personal level.

Reflect on your 2023 goals.

Ponder over the goals you had set at the start of the year. Look at the journey you've been on.

Acknowledge & feel the highs of your achievements, and yeah, even the lows.

Faced some challenges? Give yourself credit for conquering them!

This reflection isn't a self-celebration (although you deserve it!); it's the awareness you need to fuel for your 2024 journey.

To help you a hand with reflecting, I've created a reflection journal page for you - Download it here for FREE.

Also, bear in mind - December isn't just about wrapping up this year, it's about setting the vibe for the next one. Knowing where you stand now arms you with the wisdom to strategise for the future.

Hop on to 📈 Tip of the week for the game plan for December 2023

Imagine kicking off 2024 with a clear vision and a roadmap paved with the lessons of 2023. How awesome would that be?

That's why I've been contemplating hosting a one-time-only FREE live workshop on December 14th 2023, guiding you on how to construct a robust Business Strategy. This way, you'll have a clear direction to make 2024 your most successful year yet!

Interested? Hit the reply button and drop me a YES!!

What else is coming up:

📈Tips: How best to utilise the last month of the year?

☕️ Stories to remember: Disrupt Perfectionism and Design Your Best Life

👀 Exclusive insights: Biggest Competitive Differentiator for your Business

💫 Resources: A Book that transformed my approach to Business

📈 Tip of the week

Here’s the game-plan for December 2023

  1. Goal Check-in:

    • Revisit the promises you made to yourself and your business.

    • Celebrate the wins, no matter how small.

  2. Embrace the Numbers:

    • Dive into your financials. Identify your most profitable services.

    • Take a peek at your expenses – any surprises? Adjust your budget for a smoother ride in 2024.

  3. Client Love Fest:

    • Reach out to your clients with a heartfelt message of gratitude.

    • Personal connections build lasting partnerships.

  4. Strategic Planning

    • Assess your current offerings, client base, and financial health.

    • Identify what services brought in the most joy and profit.

    • Consider if any need to tweak your offerings

  5. Year-End Promotions:

    • Capitalize on the holiday season with strategic promotions.

    • Offer exclusive deals or bundles to attract new clients.

    • Create a sense of urgency – limited-time offers can boost sales and engagement.

  6. Self-Care Sprint:

    • The end of the year can be hectic

    • Prioritize self-care for your overall well-being

    • Be rejuvenated entrepreneur to conquer the new year.

Remember, it's not just about finishing the year; it's about laying the groundwork for a fantastic 2024.

How about this:

In just four weeks, I'll be following up with you to hear all about how your December went. Can't wait to hear about your wins, and learn from the challenges together!

☕️New Episode: Conscious Choices: Navigating Wellness, Creativity, and Business

Join me on this insightful conversation with Lauren Best- a certified hypnotherapist, who works at the intersection of wellness, consciousness, creativity and business.

Her insights on how to make conscious choices that align with your vision, by disrupting perfectionism and opening your mind to exploration, are a must-listen for every entrepreneur busy hustling her way!

Listen now to discover how to design your life to bring out the best version of yourself.

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

👀 Industry Insights

What is the competitive differentiator for your business? Better Product? Top-notch Service? Competitive Pricing?

Well, today my friend, it’s all about Customer Experience. (CX)

Customer experience is your customers’ perception of how your business treats them. It greatly impacts their behavior, emotions, and loyalty towards the brand.

To our surprise,

86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience.

A quick look for relevant trends for your service businesses

  1. Omnichannel customer service on the rise

    1. Unlike the 90s, when there was only telephone (or fax, remember those?), today’s customers interact across multiple channels, through website, social media, email, etc

  2. Mobile customer experience is a priority

    1. 57% of customers won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

    2. And if a website isn’t mobile-friendly, 50% of customers will stop visiting it, even if they like the business.

  3. Customers demand immediate attention

    1. The longer it takes for a business to reply, the less likely it is that the customer will engage.

    2. If this happens regularly, then your customer will stop trying to contact you. Eventually, they’ll leave.

Today, where 9 out of 10 businesses compete on customer experience, success lies in prioritizing CX. One way to handle this is by using a CRM

The one CRM, I absolutely love is MyDux. It simplifies your workby bringing your entire business onto ONE platform.

Hit Reply to this to get One-month Free Access to MyDux.

💫 Resources

🖊️ 14-day journaling challenge | The one thing that can help you to reflect and plan for this last months is journaling. It helps you build greater awareness, uncover plus overcome internal blocks and simply deal with things than Journaling. Not sure where to start - sign up for FREE

📚 Dive into Alex Hormozi's $100M offer – a game-changer for your business growth. Alex shares his proven strategies, actionable insights, and real-world examples of how he went from bankrupt to a multi-million dollar portfolio. Don't miss this transformative opportunity!

Online business plan last month of the yearcompetitive differentiator$100M offer
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Join me on this incredible journey and let's celebrate your victories together!

Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved