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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 51 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 22, 2023β€’6 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it? Just three more days until Christmas! I absolutely adore this time of year. It's a period for unwinding, connecting with loved ones, indulging in delicious food, and simply relaxing.

Before I officially sign off for the year (don't worry, I'll still be popping up in your inbox next week πŸ˜‰), I wanted to share a valuable lesson I gleaned from my Business Strategy Workshop earlier this week.

I believe in being transparent about my personal experiences, hoping that it prevents you from encountering the same pitfalls I've faced. Following the launch of a lead magnet or offer, I make it a point to reflect, closely examine the data, and gain insights into what worked, what didn't, and how to optimise for the next round.

In my reflection, I realised that while the results of the workshop were commendable, if I'm brutally honest with myself, there was room for improvement.

Despite being a seasoned business consultant with knowledge gained from working with both startups and enterprise organisations, as well as building my own business, it's crucial to acknowledge that I'm not infallible. We're all human, and errors are part of the journeyβ€”perfectly okay!

In fact, I consider them opportunities for growth, provided we focus on learning from those missteps.

Curious about the mistakes I'm referring to? Dive into the tip of the week where I spill the beans and share the valuable lessons learned!

What else is coming up:

πŸ“ˆTips: Webinar Practical Tips for Maximum Impact

β˜•οΈ Stories to remember: The Unstressified Method: Live a life filled with happiness and vitality

πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights: Dynamic Shift in Online Content Preferences.

πŸ’« Resources: Must-reads for Holiday Season

πŸ“ˆ Tip of the week: Practical Tips for Maximum Impact

So, during my recent Business Strategy Workshop, I was really harping on about how crucial it is to plan your launches for the whole year in advance. You know, it gives you that bird's-eye view and keeps you on track.

But, you know how it goes - sometimes you just get hit with inspiration, and before you can say 'workshop,' you've promised your audience the moon. In my case, based on some fantastic networking calls, I decided a Live Virtual Workshop would be the perfect way to kickstart my community for a stellar 2024.

I didn't want to wait until next year, so I threw together a last-minute plan. Got some fantastic feedback, people loved it, and now they're asking for Business Strategy Workshop 2.0. The only hitch? Doing a webinar during the festive season is no joke, especially when it's a spur-of-the-moment decision.

You see, everyone's bombarded with offers to set them up for 2024 - ads, newsletters, social media - you name it. And on top of that, we're all juggling celebrations, holidays, and just trying to catch a break. So, trying to get people to sign up for your workshop without giving them a heads-up is like trying to find a needle in a haystack (which, I admit, I didn't fully realize when I planned this last minute).

But hey, no regrets here. The numbers were good, and I managed to help folks gear up for 2024. Plus, I'm running the workshop again in January 2024 for those who couldn't make it this time - more details coming soon!

Now, while I can't turn back time, I can definitely make the future workshops smoother, and maybe these tips will help you too:

Strategic Scheduling: Think about when your audience is most likely free, and try to dodge those crazy holiday periods.

Budget-Friendly Marketing: Go easy on your wallet by using social media or teaming up with partners. Trust me; organic reach is your friend.

Early Marketing Leverage: Get your marketing ducks in a row well ahead of time. Claim your spot before the holiday chaos kicks in.

Thorough Planning: No last-minute craziness. Plan like you're preparing for a mission to Mars. It'll save you stress and headaches.

Social Media Engagement: Dive into those social media groups, share some wisdom, connect with potential attendees, and be where your audience hangs out.

Remember, the goal is to make your workshops even better, connect with a more engaged audience, and set yourself up for success. Cheers to smoother launches!.

β˜•οΈNew Episode: The Unstressified Method: Live a life filled with happiness and vitality

Over 62% say that they have felt stressed to the point where it had an impact on how they lived their daily lives at least once in the past year. This shows the impact stress can have on our personal & professional life.

Join me on this episode with Nahrin Chowdhary Step as she unveils "The Unstressified Method." Delve into science-backed strategies and practical tools that not only banish stress but also pave the way to embracing balance and cultivating a life brimming with happiness and vitality.

As Nahrin shares her personal journey, you'll hear about the challenges that shaped her path. From navigating divorce to uprooting her life from New York and starting anew on the opposite coast, to a life-altering accident that confined her to a bed but opened her eyes to the possibility of transforming her entire existence.

Let's work towards a stress-free life filled with happiness, health, and balance!

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

In 2024, we'll witness a dynamic shift in online content preferences.

Authenticity takes centre stage as people increasingly favour raw, unedited videos and posts. Particularly millennials and Gen Z, seek authentic, unfiltered content that allows them to connect on a more personal level.

The trend extends to a preference for one-on-one coaching over traditional courses, as personal connections become paramount.

The key to winning trust and loyalty? Showcasing authenticity.

People are more likely to buy from you when you present yourself as genuine, steering away from a polished facade. The future of branding leans towards revealing your everyday life rather than a glittery, idealised version.

Your imperfect, unscripted side resonates, as audiences want to see the person behind the persona. In the evolving digital landscape, authenticity not only wins hearts but also creates a more meaningful online experience.

πŸ’« Resources

πŸ“š"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle | In the fast-paced online business realm, staying present is key. Tolle's teachings on mindfulness and being in the moment can help you manage stress, make clearer decisions, and enhance overall well-being.

πŸ“šEverything is Figureoutable" by Marie Forleo | Marie Forleo's mantra is a game-changer for entrepreneurs. It's the ultimate guide to conquering hurdles, a skill crucial for any online business owner. It teaches you to approach obstacles with a can-do attitude.

A lovely Christmas to you all and speak to you next week

Online business webinarcontent creation
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 51 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 22, 2023β€’6 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it? Just three more days until Christmas! I absolutely adore this time of year. It's a period for unwinding, connecting with loved ones, indulging in delicious food, and simply relaxing.

Before I officially sign off for the year (don't worry, I'll still be popping up in your inbox next week πŸ˜‰), I wanted to share a valuable lesson I gleaned from my Business Strategy Workshop earlier this week.

I believe in being transparent about my personal experiences, hoping that it prevents you from encountering the same pitfalls I've faced. Following the launch of a lead magnet or offer, I make it a point to reflect, closely examine the data, and gain insights into what worked, what didn't, and how to optimise for the next round.

In my reflection, I realised that while the results of the workshop were commendable, if I'm brutally honest with myself, there was room for improvement.

Despite being a seasoned business consultant with knowledge gained from working with both startups and enterprise organisations, as well as building my own business, it's crucial to acknowledge that I'm not infallible. We're all human, and errors are part of the journeyβ€”perfectly okay!

In fact, I consider them opportunities for growth, provided we focus on learning from those missteps.

Curious about the mistakes I'm referring to? Dive into the tip of the week where I spill the beans and share the valuable lessons learned!

What else is coming up:

πŸ“ˆTips: Webinar Practical Tips for Maximum Impact

β˜•οΈ Stories to remember: The Unstressified Method: Live a life filled with happiness and vitality

πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights: Dynamic Shift in Online Content Preferences.

πŸ’« Resources: Must-reads for Holiday Season

πŸ“ˆ Tip of the week: Practical Tips for Maximum Impact

So, during my recent Business Strategy Workshop, I was really harping on about how crucial it is to plan your launches for the whole year in advance. You know, it gives you that bird's-eye view and keeps you on track.

But, you know how it goes - sometimes you just get hit with inspiration, and before you can say 'workshop,' you've promised your audience the moon. In my case, based on some fantastic networking calls, I decided a Live Virtual Workshop would be the perfect way to kickstart my community for a stellar 2024.

I didn't want to wait until next year, so I threw together a last-minute plan. Got some fantastic feedback, people loved it, and now they're asking for Business Strategy Workshop 2.0. The only hitch? Doing a webinar during the festive season is no joke, especially when it's a spur-of-the-moment decision.

You see, everyone's bombarded with offers to set them up for 2024 - ads, newsletters, social media - you name it. And on top of that, we're all juggling celebrations, holidays, and just trying to catch a break. So, trying to get people to sign up for your workshop without giving them a heads-up is like trying to find a needle in a haystack (which, I admit, I didn't fully realize when I planned this last minute).

But hey, no regrets here. The numbers were good, and I managed to help folks gear up for 2024. Plus, I'm running the workshop again in January 2024 for those who couldn't make it this time - more details coming soon!

Now, while I can't turn back time, I can definitely make the future workshops smoother, and maybe these tips will help you too:

Strategic Scheduling: Think about when your audience is most likely free, and try to dodge those crazy holiday periods.

Budget-Friendly Marketing: Go easy on your wallet by using social media or teaming up with partners. Trust me; organic reach is your friend.

Early Marketing Leverage: Get your marketing ducks in a row well ahead of time. Claim your spot before the holiday chaos kicks in.

Thorough Planning: No last-minute craziness. Plan like you're preparing for a mission to Mars. It'll save you stress and headaches.

Social Media Engagement: Dive into those social media groups, share some wisdom, connect with potential attendees, and be where your audience hangs out.

Remember, the goal is to make your workshops even better, connect with a more engaged audience, and set yourself up for success. Cheers to smoother launches!.

β˜•οΈNew Episode: The Unstressified Method: Live a life filled with happiness and vitality

Over 62% say that they have felt stressed to the point where it had an impact on how they lived their daily lives at least once in the past year. This shows the impact stress can have on our personal & professional life.

Join me on this episode with Nahrin Chowdhary Step as she unveils "The Unstressified Method." Delve into science-backed strategies and practical tools that not only banish stress but also pave the way to embracing balance and cultivating a life brimming with happiness and vitality.

As Nahrin shares her personal journey, you'll hear about the challenges that shaped her path. From navigating divorce to uprooting her life from New York and starting anew on the opposite coast, to a life-altering accident that confined her to a bed but opened her eyes to the possibility of transforming her entire existence.

Let's work towards a stress-free life filled with happiness, health, and balance!

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

In 2024, we'll witness a dynamic shift in online content preferences.

Authenticity takes centre stage as people increasingly favour raw, unedited videos and posts. Particularly millennials and Gen Z, seek authentic, unfiltered content that allows them to connect on a more personal level.

The trend extends to a preference for one-on-one coaching over traditional courses, as personal connections become paramount.

The key to winning trust and loyalty? Showcasing authenticity.

People are more likely to buy from you when you present yourself as genuine, steering away from a polished facade. The future of branding leans towards revealing your everyday life rather than a glittery, idealised version.

Your imperfect, unscripted side resonates, as audiences want to see the person behind the persona. In the evolving digital landscape, authenticity not only wins hearts but also creates a more meaningful online experience.

πŸ’« Resources

πŸ“š"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle | In the fast-paced online business realm, staying present is key. Tolle's teachings on mindfulness and being in the moment can help you manage stress, make clearer decisions, and enhance overall well-being.

πŸ“šEverything is Figureoutable" by Marie Forleo | Marie Forleo's mantra is a game-changer for entrepreneurs. It's the ultimate guide to conquering hurdles, a skill crucial for any online business owner. It teaches you to approach obstacles with a can-do attitude.

A lovely Christmas to you all and speak to you next week

Online business webinarcontent creation
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved