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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 39 | The CEO Life Roundup

September 29, 2023β€’8 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it? Tomorrow marks the end of September, and not just that, it's the final day of Q3. Time flies, doesn't it?

As I sit down to write this, I'm reminded of how important it is to take a step back and reflect, not just at the end of each week or month, but especially when a whole quarter wraps up. It's like a mini-milestone in our journey through the year.

There is a reason why reflection is crucial, but before we dive into WHY - here's what else I'll be sharing in today's newsletter:

🌱 The Power of Reflection

πŸŽ™οΈ Welcome to the Stories to Remember Podcast

β˜•οΈ Patsy's 2.5 Month Business Journey

πŸ§˜πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Your Mind Matters

πŸ‘€ My New Best Friend for Business Efficiency

🌱 So why is reflection so important for business and personal development?

Here's what it gives you:

  1. Clarity: Reflecting helps you see the bigger picture and understand your path better.

  2. Learning: Reflecting helps you extract wisdom from your experiences and learn from your mistakes

  3. Focus: Life's full of distractions, but reflecting helps you recalibrate your goals and ensure you're moving in the right direction.

  4. Growth: Reflecting helps you become aware of your strengths and weaknesses, paving the way for self-improvement.

Now, you might be wondering how to go about this whole reflection process. Well, first, I'd suggest to take pen and paper or create an online document. Secondly I've listed below a few questions to get you started, especially in a business context:

  • What were my major achievements this quarter?

  • What challenges did I face, how did I handle them and what can I do differently in the future?

  • Did I meet the goals I set at the beginning of the quarter? If not, why?

  • What feedback have I received from clients, customers, or colleagues?

  • Is my passion for what I'm doing still burning brightly, or is it time for a change?

Remember, reflection doesn't just have to be about business. It's a journey of self-discovery too. Through it, I've learned more about myself than I ever thought possible.

Take a moment to look back, celebrate your wins, and embrace the lessons and feel free to share them with me! I'm here to help you.

Plus if you're curious to hear more about my business musings, feel free to reach out. We're all on this journey together, and there's always room for one more at the table.

πŸŽ™οΈMy Podcast: 'Stories to Remember'

I am thrilled to introduce you to something very close to my heart the - Stories to Remember Podcast πŸ€— which is now available on Spotify.

Why I started the podcast: The debut Episode πŸŽ™οΈ

In the first episode of the Stories to Remember Podcast, I'll take you behind the scenes of this Podcast creation journey. I'll share the inception of this podcast, the intentions driving it, and the challenges I faced during its creation. You'll get to know the person behind the microphone – me – and discover why I believe in the profound significance of stories in our lives. I'll also unveil the overarching aim of this podcast, giving you a taste of the transformative journey that awaits.

Listen to the first unfiltered episode here.

Stay Tuned for Episode 2:

In our upcoming episode, I have the honour of interviewing an inspiring individual that I've only met a couple of months ago. Cathy Jaquot is dedicated to supporting women with returning to the workforce after maternity leave. During this episode we delve deep into her personal life experiences, her journey of becoming an entrepreneur, her mission, and the incredible work she does through Gaindea.

Episode coming out on Spotify - Friday 29th of September!

P.S. Every story has the potential to change your life. Subscribe to the Stories to Remember Podcast today and join me on this adventure!

πŸ§˜πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Tip of the week

Neglecting mental health in business leadership can lead to burnout, lower efficiency, and hinder success. Prioritizing well-being is crucial for sustained productivity and happiness.

So, how do you take care of your mental well-being? Where do you start?

  • Schedule Regular Breaks: Frequent short breaks rejuvenate your mind.

  • Delegate Tasks: Reduce stress by outsourcing non-core responsibilities.

  • Set Boundaries: Clearly define work hours and personal time.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Integrate meditation or deep breathing exercises.

  • Seek Professional Support: Consider therapy or coaching for mental health.

Always remember, "Mental health is not a luxury; it's a fundamental necessity for sustained success." 🌟

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

You've probably noticed that AI has been a hot topic of conversation over the past year, and for good reason. It's changing the game for businesses across the board, taking away manual work and increasing overall productivity.

A platform that really caught my attention in this AI frenzy is Fireflies AI.

In a nutshell, Fireflies AI is the supportive friend you didn't know you needed. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

This powerful tool integrates directly into into video conferencing apps and even creates tasks in your favourite project management tools, like Asana, Trello, and

It's like having a multitasking AI assistant on your team!πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

With just one click, you can access action items, tasks, questions, and other key metrics, helping you streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

+ Plus, Fireflies AI allows you to filter and listen to key topics discussed in your meetings and instantly share meeting recaps to Slack, Notion, Google Docs, and other collaboration apps.

Imagine being able to straight away share this with intel with your team members and clients 🀯

And guess what? They have a free version too!

This platform is a fantastic way to streamline and enhance productivity within your business, and I didn't want to keep it all to myself. Give it a try, and let me know what you think! πŸš€πŸ’Ό

β˜•οΈ Client Spotlight

Let's meet Patsy, a dedicated full-time corporate professional who, like many of us, felt her entrepreneurial spirit calling. Her journey through our Holistically Aligned Business Program is a testament to the incredible transformations possible.

Background: Patsy's Story πŸ“–
Patsy has spent her career climbing the corporate ladder, content with her work but always feeling a longing for something more. Her entrepreneurial spirit burned within her, and after some deep personal development work, she felt clearer than ever about her purpose:
helping others find their true calling.

Start of the Program: Her Journey Begins πŸš€
When Patsy joined my Holistically Aligned Business Program she started from scratch. She had no business strategy, systems, offers, social media presence in place and there were a lot of doubts about if she was able to facilitate transformative change. So she was in need of structure, guidance and confidence to get her going.

2.5 Months Into the Program: Taking control πŸš€
In just 2.5 months, Patsy made incredible progress. Balancing her full-time corporate job, she worked tirelessly to turn her dreams a reality. Some of the things she has done:

  • Clarity on her target audience and niche.

  • Named her business and crafted its branding.

  • Created a compelling lead magnet: "At Home Journeys | Self Love Challenge."

  • Developed her course.

  • Implemented the systems needed for hosting, showcasing, and selling her offers, including landing pages, emails, and automations.

  • Hired a Virtual Assistant to handle tasks that a CEO shouldn't be doing.

  • Established her presence on social media.

  • Expanded her email list.

On October 1st, she's set to officially launch her very first course! Stay tuned as I'll share updates with you after the launch debrief!

Patsy's Feedback about the program: thus far πŸ’¬
Joining this program has been a game-changer for me. It instilled in me a newfound commitment to consistency and process, something I previously struggled with.

Having Gitte there to hold me accountable has been invaluable. The guidance provided, especially as a first-time course creator, has been a lifeline.

The initial phase of the program forced me to dive deep into the foundational aspects of course creation. The exercises offered clarity on my target audience, the impact I wanted to make, and how to craft a course that truly resonated. It covered all the vital elements needed for a successful course creation and launch.

Honestly, this program has provided everything necessary for me to feel confident and establish a robust business foundation.

The pacing was just rightβ€”enough time to find my direction without feeling rushed. Gitte's coaching style was warm, genuine, and caring, offering clear and concise guidance on each step.

I've enjoyed every aspect of this program and deeply appreciate Gitte's commitment to wanting to see me succeed.

If you want to learn more about Pasty and her offers, go check her out here.

Curious how the Holistically Aligned Business Program can help you on your journey? Explore all the details on this page! Don't wait too long; secure your spot before they're all gone and the doors close!

πŸ’« Resources

πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Elevate Your Well-being: Yoga with Kassandra
- Yoga, like Kassandra's free YouTube classes, helps entrepreneurs reduce stress, improve focus, and achieve work-life balance for better overall well-being. Go check it out here

🎬 Movie You Cannot Miss: "The Pursuit of Happyness"
- Chris Gardner's inspiring journey, portrayed in a movie, showcases resilience and unwavering pursuit of dreams, a powerful reminder that anything is achievable in business and life.

πŸ“š Must-Read Book: "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
- "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries empowers business owners to test ideas, pivot effectively, and build thriving ventures through insightful principles, minimizing costly errors.

Business Business goals mental healthbusiness goals
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 39 | The CEO Life Roundup

September 29, 2023β€’8 min read

Happy Friday!

Can you believe it? Tomorrow marks the end of September, and not just that, it's the final day of Q3. Time flies, doesn't it?

As I sit down to write this, I'm reminded of how important it is to take a step back and reflect, not just at the end of each week or month, but especially when a whole quarter wraps up. It's like a mini-milestone in our journey through the year.

There is a reason why reflection is crucial, but before we dive into WHY - here's what else I'll be sharing in today's newsletter:

🌱 The Power of Reflection

πŸŽ™οΈ Welcome to the Stories to Remember Podcast

β˜•οΈ Patsy's 2.5 Month Business Journey

πŸ§˜πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Your Mind Matters

πŸ‘€ My New Best Friend for Business Efficiency

🌱 So why is reflection so important for business and personal development?

Here's what it gives you:

  1. Clarity: Reflecting helps you see the bigger picture and understand your path better.

  2. Learning: Reflecting helps you extract wisdom from your experiences and learn from your mistakes

  3. Focus: Life's full of distractions, but reflecting helps you recalibrate your goals and ensure you're moving in the right direction.

  4. Growth: Reflecting helps you become aware of your strengths and weaknesses, paving the way for self-improvement.

Now, you might be wondering how to go about this whole reflection process. Well, first, I'd suggest to take pen and paper or create an online document. Secondly I've listed below a few questions to get you started, especially in a business context:

  • What were my major achievements this quarter?

  • What challenges did I face, how did I handle them and what can I do differently in the future?

  • Did I meet the goals I set at the beginning of the quarter? If not, why?

  • What feedback have I received from clients, customers, or colleagues?

  • Is my passion for what I'm doing still burning brightly, or is it time for a change?

Remember, reflection doesn't just have to be about business. It's a journey of self-discovery too. Through it, I've learned more about myself than I ever thought possible.

Take a moment to look back, celebrate your wins, and embrace the lessons and feel free to share them with me! I'm here to help you.

Plus if you're curious to hear more about my business musings, feel free to reach out. We're all on this journey together, and there's always room for one more at the table.

πŸŽ™οΈMy Podcast: 'Stories to Remember'

I am thrilled to introduce you to something very close to my heart the - Stories to Remember Podcast πŸ€— which is now available on Spotify.

Why I started the podcast: The debut Episode πŸŽ™οΈ

In the first episode of the Stories to Remember Podcast, I'll take you behind the scenes of this Podcast creation journey. I'll share the inception of this podcast, the intentions driving it, and the challenges I faced during its creation. You'll get to know the person behind the microphone – me – and discover why I believe in the profound significance of stories in our lives. I'll also unveil the overarching aim of this podcast, giving you a taste of the transformative journey that awaits.

Listen to the first unfiltered episode here.

Stay Tuned for Episode 2:

In our upcoming episode, I have the honour of interviewing an inspiring individual that I've only met a couple of months ago. Cathy Jaquot is dedicated to supporting women with returning to the workforce after maternity leave. During this episode we delve deep into her personal life experiences, her journey of becoming an entrepreneur, her mission, and the incredible work she does through Gaindea.

Episode coming out on Spotify - Friday 29th of September!

P.S. Every story has the potential to change your life. Subscribe to the Stories to Remember Podcast today and join me on this adventure!

πŸ§˜πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Tip of the week

Neglecting mental health in business leadership can lead to burnout, lower efficiency, and hinder success. Prioritizing well-being is crucial for sustained productivity and happiness.

So, how do you take care of your mental well-being? Where do you start?

  • Schedule Regular Breaks: Frequent short breaks rejuvenate your mind.

  • Delegate Tasks: Reduce stress by outsourcing non-core responsibilities.

  • Set Boundaries: Clearly define work hours and personal time.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Integrate meditation or deep breathing exercises.

  • Seek Professional Support: Consider therapy or coaching for mental health.

Always remember, "Mental health is not a luxury; it's a fundamental necessity for sustained success." 🌟

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

You've probably noticed that AI has been a hot topic of conversation over the past year, and for good reason. It's changing the game for businesses across the board, taking away manual work and increasing overall productivity.

A platform that really caught my attention in this AI frenzy is Fireflies AI.

In a nutshell, Fireflies AI is the supportive friend you didn't know you needed. πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ

This powerful tool integrates directly into into video conferencing apps and even creates tasks in your favourite project management tools, like Asana, Trello, and

It's like having a multitasking AI assistant on your team!πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

With just one click, you can access action items, tasks, questions, and other key metrics, helping you streamline your workflow and boost productivity.

+ Plus, Fireflies AI allows you to filter and listen to key topics discussed in your meetings and instantly share meeting recaps to Slack, Notion, Google Docs, and other collaboration apps.

Imagine being able to straight away share this with intel with your team members and clients 🀯

And guess what? They have a free version too!

This platform is a fantastic way to streamline and enhance productivity within your business, and I didn't want to keep it all to myself. Give it a try, and let me know what you think! πŸš€πŸ’Ό

β˜•οΈ Client Spotlight

Let's meet Patsy, a dedicated full-time corporate professional who, like many of us, felt her entrepreneurial spirit calling. Her journey through our Holistically Aligned Business Program is a testament to the incredible transformations possible.

Background: Patsy's Story πŸ“–
Patsy has spent her career climbing the corporate ladder, content with her work but always feeling a longing for something more. Her entrepreneurial spirit burned within her, and after some deep personal development work, she felt clearer than ever about her purpose:
helping others find their true calling.

Start of the Program: Her Journey Begins πŸš€
When Patsy joined my Holistically Aligned Business Program she started from scratch. She had no business strategy, systems, offers, social media presence in place and there were a lot of doubts about if she was able to facilitate transformative change. So she was in need of structure, guidance and confidence to get her going.

2.5 Months Into the Program: Taking control πŸš€
In just 2.5 months, Patsy made incredible progress. Balancing her full-time corporate job, she worked tirelessly to turn her dreams a reality. Some of the things she has done:

  • Clarity on her target audience and niche.

  • Named her business and crafted its branding.

  • Created a compelling lead magnet: "At Home Journeys | Self Love Challenge."

  • Developed her course.

  • Implemented the systems needed for hosting, showcasing, and selling her offers, including landing pages, emails, and automations.

  • Hired a Virtual Assistant to handle tasks that a CEO shouldn't be doing.

  • Established her presence on social media.

  • Expanded her email list.

On October 1st, she's set to officially launch her very first course! Stay tuned as I'll share updates with you after the launch debrief!

Patsy's Feedback about the program: thus far πŸ’¬
Joining this program has been a game-changer for me. It instilled in me a newfound commitment to consistency and process, something I previously struggled with.

Having Gitte there to hold me accountable has been invaluable. The guidance provided, especially as a first-time course creator, has been a lifeline.

The initial phase of the program forced me to dive deep into the foundational aspects of course creation. The exercises offered clarity on my target audience, the impact I wanted to make, and how to craft a course that truly resonated. It covered all the vital elements needed for a successful course creation and launch.

Honestly, this program has provided everything necessary for me to feel confident and establish a robust business foundation.

The pacing was just rightβ€”enough time to find my direction without feeling rushed. Gitte's coaching style was warm, genuine, and caring, offering clear and concise guidance on each step.

I've enjoyed every aspect of this program and deeply appreciate Gitte's commitment to wanting to see me succeed.

If you want to learn more about Pasty and her offers, go check her out here.

Curious how the Holistically Aligned Business Program can help you on your journey? Explore all the details on this page! Don't wait too long; secure your spot before they're all gone and the doors close!

πŸ’« Resources

πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Elevate Your Well-being: Yoga with Kassandra
- Yoga, like Kassandra's free YouTube classes, helps entrepreneurs reduce stress, improve focus, and achieve work-life balance for better overall well-being. Go check it out here

🎬 Movie You Cannot Miss: "The Pursuit of Happyness"
- Chris Gardner's inspiring journey, portrayed in a movie, showcases resilience and unwavering pursuit of dreams, a powerful reminder that anything is achievable in business and life.

πŸ“š Must-Read Book: "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
- "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries empowers business owners to test ideas, pivot effectively, and build thriving ventures through insightful principles, minimizing costly errors.

Business Business goals mental healthbusiness goals
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Join me on this incredible journey and let's celebrate your victories together!

Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved