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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 2 | The CEO Life Round-up 

January 12, 20244 min read

Heyaa {{contact.first_name}},

In my 10+ years of experience, I've noticed a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs like yourself - a tendency to fixate solely on financial gains, inadvertently neglecting the well-being of both their business and personal life.

Picture your life as a garden.

There's an area with new plants boasting beautiful flowers that have yet to bloom. Every day, you diligently tend to these plants, ensuring they have everything they need to flourish. However, in the midst of this care, you've unintentionally overlooked the other flowers that were once vibrant but are now slowly withering away.

I admit, it might sound a bit dramatic, but let's be real. How often do you find yourself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenge of balancing business growth, health, and personal life?

But here's the good news - it doesn't have to be this way!

What if I told you there's a fertiliser that can make every facet of your life flourish like never before? Enter 'Holistic Wealth.'

You see,

Wealth isn’t just about dollars and stocks.

It’s about feeling rich in all aspects of life.

The thing is, all areas of your life are interconnected. Wealth isn't just the financial figures on your balance sheet; it's a life where your career, health, relationships, creativity, joy, and financial well-being coexist and thrive together.

Why is this crucial for you? Because YOU DARE TO DREAM BIG. You aspire to build a business that mirrors your values and passions. To ensure that your journey isn't merely financially successful but also personally rewarding and deeply satisfying, focus on cultivating a Holistically Wealthy life.

Check out the 📈 Tip of the week to know how to make yourself holistically wealthy

What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: 6 steps to be Holistically Wealthy

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: 6 steps to have a successful online business

  • 💫 Resources:

📈 Tip of the week

Holistic wealth is about building a life and business that resonates with your values, passions, and ambitions.

  1. Define Your Holistic Goals:

    • Sit down and clearly define your personal and professional goals.

    • What does success look like for you in terms of career, health, relationships, and wealth?

  2. Create a Well-being Routine:

    • Design a daily routine that prioritises your physical and mental well-being.

    • This could include exercise, meditation, or a few minutes of mindfulness.

  3. Nurture Relationships:

    • Surround yourself with people that build you up, support you in everything you do.

    • Schedule regular catch-ups and make quality time for those who matter.

  4. Give Back to the Community:

    • Find ways to contribute to your community or a cause you're passionate about. This could be through volunteer work or supporting local initiatives. It is in giving that we receive.

  5. Regularly Review and Reflect:

    • Schedule regular reviews of your goals and progress.

    • Reflect on what's working well and what needs adjustment.

  6. Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small:

    • Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones, whether it's a successful business project or a personal achievement.

Remember, holistic wealth is a continuous journey, not a destination.

By incorporating these actionable tips into your daily life, you'll have a well-rounded, fulfilling, and successful existence.

Cheers to your holistic wealth journey! 🌟

👀 Industry Insights

20% of new businesses fail when they start their first online business.

I want you to be amongst the other 80%.

So here are 6 steps to follow to start your business

  1. Solve specific problems of specific groups of people

  2. Craft an offer that is aimed at your specific target audience.

  3. Figure out your product format: e-book, video course, 1-1 mentorship, etc

  4. Find some customers, via friends & family, social media audience

  5. Attract your customers with lead magnets: cheat sheets, webinars, mini-courses, etc

  6. Create a system for repeatable selling

I covered the in-depth step-by-step process in my Free Business Strategy Workshop yesterday. It’s soon gonna be a paid product.

As part of my community, I would love to share it with you until it’s free.

You’ll also get

  • Business Strategy Workbook to map out your action plan

  • A reflection guide to know yourself better & play on your strengths.

Just hit reply to have exclusive access to it.

💫 Resources

📌 It is an excellent tool for keeping all business or project-related information in one place. Notion is so powerful that you can create wikis, product guides, templates and even websites with it.

📚 Atomic Habits - James Clear distils the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.

Have a lovely weekend and speak to you next week!

Online business Wealth Holistic Wealth
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 2 | The CEO Life Round-up 

January 12, 20244 min read

Heyaa {{contact.first_name}},

In my 10+ years of experience, I've noticed a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs like yourself - a tendency to fixate solely on financial gains, inadvertently neglecting the well-being of both their business and personal life.

Picture your life as a garden.

There's an area with new plants boasting beautiful flowers that have yet to bloom. Every day, you diligently tend to these plants, ensuring they have everything they need to flourish. However, in the midst of this care, you've unintentionally overlooked the other flowers that were once vibrant but are now slowly withering away.

I admit, it might sound a bit dramatic, but let's be real. How often do you find yourself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenge of balancing business growth, health, and personal life?

But here's the good news - it doesn't have to be this way!

What if I told you there's a fertiliser that can make every facet of your life flourish like never before? Enter 'Holistic Wealth.'

You see,

Wealth isn’t just about dollars and stocks.

It’s about feeling rich in all aspects of life.

The thing is, all areas of your life are interconnected. Wealth isn't just the financial figures on your balance sheet; it's a life where your career, health, relationships, creativity, joy, and financial well-being coexist and thrive together.

Why is this crucial for you? Because YOU DARE TO DREAM BIG. You aspire to build a business that mirrors your values and passions. To ensure that your journey isn't merely financially successful but also personally rewarding and deeply satisfying, focus on cultivating a Holistically Wealthy life.

Check out the 📈 Tip of the week to know how to make yourself holistically wealthy

What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: 6 steps to be Holistically Wealthy

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: 6 steps to have a successful online business

  • 💫 Resources:

📈 Tip of the week

Holistic wealth is about building a life and business that resonates with your values, passions, and ambitions.

  1. Define Your Holistic Goals:

    • Sit down and clearly define your personal and professional goals.

    • What does success look like for you in terms of career, health, relationships, and wealth?

  2. Create a Well-being Routine:

    • Design a daily routine that prioritises your physical and mental well-being.

    • This could include exercise, meditation, or a few minutes of mindfulness.

  3. Nurture Relationships:

    • Surround yourself with people that build you up, support you in everything you do.

    • Schedule regular catch-ups and make quality time for those who matter.

  4. Give Back to the Community:

    • Find ways to contribute to your community or a cause you're passionate about. This could be through volunteer work or supporting local initiatives. It is in giving that we receive.

  5. Regularly Review and Reflect:

    • Schedule regular reviews of your goals and progress.

    • Reflect on what's working well and what needs adjustment.

  6. Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small:

    • Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones, whether it's a successful business project or a personal achievement.

Remember, holistic wealth is a continuous journey, not a destination.

By incorporating these actionable tips into your daily life, you'll have a well-rounded, fulfilling, and successful existence.

Cheers to your holistic wealth journey! 🌟

👀 Industry Insights

20% of new businesses fail when they start their first online business.

I want you to be amongst the other 80%.

So here are 6 steps to follow to start your business

  1. Solve specific problems of specific groups of people

  2. Craft an offer that is aimed at your specific target audience.

  3. Figure out your product format: e-book, video course, 1-1 mentorship, etc

  4. Find some customers, via friends & family, social media audience

  5. Attract your customers with lead magnets: cheat sheets, webinars, mini-courses, etc

  6. Create a system for repeatable selling

I covered the in-depth step-by-step process in my Free Business Strategy Workshop yesterday. It’s soon gonna be a paid product.

As part of my community, I would love to share it with you until it’s free.

You’ll also get

  • Business Strategy Workbook to map out your action plan

  • A reflection guide to know yourself better & play on your strengths.

Just hit reply to have exclusive access to it.

💫 Resources

📌 It is an excellent tool for keeping all business or project-related information in one place. Notion is so powerful that you can create wikis, product guides, templates and even websites with it.

📚 Atomic Habits - James Clear distils the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.

Have a lovely weekend and speak to you next week!

Online business Wealth Holistic Wealth
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved