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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 6 | The CEO Life Round-up  

February 09, 20244 min read

Happy Friday {{contact.first_name}}!

Like many of you, I've been an expert at holding myself back from what I truly desired—such as starting my own business and living a wealthy life full of freedom.

I had hundreds of reasons why I believed I wasn't good enough to be a successful entrepreneur. Subconsciously, I reinforced those reasons with every move I made.

The initial excitement of starting my business quickly faded into a torrent of self-doubt, what-ifs, and fear of failure, leaving me feeling stuck, insecure, and frankly, unhappy.

But here we are, 11 months later: running my business successfully, with newfound confidence in myself and my business—something I once doubted I could achieve.

What changed?

I shifted my mindset and began to:

  • Believe that everything WILL work out.

  • Get comfortable with making mistakes and things not going as planned.

  • Play the long game.

Let's discuss this in detail in 📈 Tip of the Week.

What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: How I am building my self-confidence

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: Will TikTok take over Google Search?

  • 💫 Resources: Rewiring your brain & How to become extremely productive

📈 Tip of the week

Choosing to Believe
Your inner world creates your outer world - the more you believe in something, the more it manifests in your existence.

  1. Start by not believing everything you think. Your mind often plays tricks on you, aiming to keep you safe and comfortable!

  2. Shift your perspective and choose empowering thoughts instead of disempowering ones, such as:

    • "I'm worthy and capable of living an abundant, wealthy life full of success."

    • "Everything always works out for me." (Hint: It really does!)

  3. Take actions to support your beliefs:

    • Don't stress when things don't go according to plan.

    • Challenge yourself to new levels by stepping outside your comfort zone.

Getting Comfortable with Making Mistakes

  1. Accept failure as an inevitable part of pursuing significant goals.

  2. Tell yourself; "It's simply part of the learning process and brings out the best in me."

    • You can't know everything, and no one expects you to.

    • You're continually evolving and can change your mind and opinions.

    • Making mistakes is human - and you're human.

Play the Long Game

  1. Understand that success doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to invest in the future. Even when it doesn't look like that on social media.

  2. Focus on making sustainable progress over time, instead of seeking quick fixes or instant gratification.

  3. Stay committed to your goals, trusting that your efforts will eventually pay off, even during challenging times or slow progress.

Remember: You didn't start this journey to stay stuck; you started it because you wanted to enjoy life more, and you can already do that!

So take the leap, shift your mindset, start small, and be unafraid of failure.

Your present efforts are building the foundation for your future success and your future self will thank you for your courage and resilience today 🤍.

👀 Industry Insights

Me and my friend were planning where to go out for dinner.

To my surprise, she searched hashtags on Instagram!!

This made me question, “Has Google search become irrelevant?”

Nearly 40% of GenZ prefers using TikTok and Instagram for search over Google, according to Google's internal data.

If you are someone who wants to make money from Social Media, you need to be strategic of the content you put out.

Just as you would optimise your website for SEO, you must optimise your social profile and content. For maximum discoverability use

  • the right keywords in your caption

  • the right hashtags and

  • relevant keywords within your alt text, too.

Read more here.

💫 Resources

🧘‍♀️ Dr. Joe Dispenza | Listen to this brilliant neuroscientist who makes the blind see again, the deaf listen again and the paralysed walk again. And no, this isn't any black magic. He does all this using power or neurobiology- how human brains work. He explains practical insights into rewiring the brain, breaking through self-limiting beliefs, and fostering a positive mindset. Check him out on Youtube or his website and listen to his podcasts!

📚 'Not Today: 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity' by Jordan Raynor | The author combines practical strategies with a unique focus on aligning daily habits with long-term purpose. Unlike conventional productivity books, Raynor emphasises the integration of faith and values, creating a holistic guide that transcends mere efficiency. This book is must read if you are looking for meaningful productivity beyond traditional methods.

That's all for this week my loves, speak to you soon!

Online business successbusiness successmindset
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 6 | The CEO Life Round-up  

February 09, 20244 min read

Happy Friday {{contact.first_name}}!

Like many of you, I've been an expert at holding myself back from what I truly desired—such as starting my own business and living a wealthy life full of freedom.

I had hundreds of reasons why I believed I wasn't good enough to be a successful entrepreneur. Subconsciously, I reinforced those reasons with every move I made.

The initial excitement of starting my business quickly faded into a torrent of self-doubt, what-ifs, and fear of failure, leaving me feeling stuck, insecure, and frankly, unhappy.

But here we are, 11 months later: running my business successfully, with newfound confidence in myself and my business—something I once doubted I could achieve.

What changed?

I shifted my mindset and began to:

  • Believe that everything WILL work out.

  • Get comfortable with making mistakes and things not going as planned.

  • Play the long game.

Let's discuss this in detail in 📈 Tip of the Week.

What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: How I am building my self-confidence

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: Will TikTok take over Google Search?

  • 💫 Resources: Rewiring your brain & How to become extremely productive

📈 Tip of the week

Choosing to Believe
Your inner world creates your outer world - the more you believe in something, the more it manifests in your existence.

  1. Start by not believing everything you think. Your mind often plays tricks on you, aiming to keep you safe and comfortable!

  2. Shift your perspective and choose empowering thoughts instead of disempowering ones, such as:

    • "I'm worthy and capable of living an abundant, wealthy life full of success."

    • "Everything always works out for me." (Hint: It really does!)

  3. Take actions to support your beliefs:

    • Don't stress when things don't go according to plan.

    • Challenge yourself to new levels by stepping outside your comfort zone.

Getting Comfortable with Making Mistakes

  1. Accept failure as an inevitable part of pursuing significant goals.

  2. Tell yourself; "It's simply part of the learning process and brings out the best in me."

    • You can't know everything, and no one expects you to.

    • You're continually evolving and can change your mind and opinions.

    • Making mistakes is human - and you're human.

Play the Long Game

  1. Understand that success doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to invest in the future. Even when it doesn't look like that on social media.

  2. Focus on making sustainable progress over time, instead of seeking quick fixes or instant gratification.

  3. Stay committed to your goals, trusting that your efforts will eventually pay off, even during challenging times or slow progress.

Remember: You didn't start this journey to stay stuck; you started it because you wanted to enjoy life more, and you can already do that!

So take the leap, shift your mindset, start small, and be unafraid of failure.

Your present efforts are building the foundation for your future success and your future self will thank you for your courage and resilience today 🤍.

👀 Industry Insights

Me and my friend were planning where to go out for dinner.

To my surprise, she searched hashtags on Instagram!!

This made me question, “Has Google search become irrelevant?”

Nearly 40% of GenZ prefers using TikTok and Instagram for search over Google, according to Google's internal data.

If you are someone who wants to make money from Social Media, you need to be strategic of the content you put out.

Just as you would optimise your website for SEO, you must optimise your social profile and content. For maximum discoverability use

  • the right keywords in your caption

  • the right hashtags and

  • relevant keywords within your alt text, too.

Read more here.

💫 Resources

🧘‍♀️ Dr. Joe Dispenza | Listen to this brilliant neuroscientist who makes the blind see again, the deaf listen again and the paralysed walk again. And no, this isn't any black magic. He does all this using power or neurobiology- how human brains work. He explains practical insights into rewiring the brain, breaking through self-limiting beliefs, and fostering a positive mindset. Check him out on Youtube or his website and listen to his podcasts!

📚 'Not Today: 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity' by Jordan Raynor | The author combines practical strategies with a unique focus on aligning daily habits with long-term purpose. Unlike conventional productivity books, Raynor emphasises the integration of faith and values, creating a holistic guide that transcends mere efficiency. This book is must read if you are looking for meaningful productivity beyond traditional methods.

That's all for this week my loves, speak to you soon!

Online business successbusiness successmindset
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved