
CEO life roundup


The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 45 | The CEO Life Round-up

November 09, 20234 min read

Happy Friday!

In my recent chats with entrepreneurs, I've picked up on something...

Many believe there's only one surefire way to success, often influenced by what's floating around online.

Clinging to this idea is a bit like navigating uncharted waters without a clear map.

Why, you might ask?

Because, my friend, you're a powerhouse, and your journey to success is as unique as your fingerprint.

What worked for someone else doesn't automatically become your secret sauce.

That's why you come across so many different opinions on what works out there.

I've seen it play out a lot—entrepreneurs chasing someone else's path, only to end up feeling stuck. Procrastination kicks in, things feel off, and every step seems like a bit much.

Sound familiar?

If it does, it means you're out of alignment.

So, if you want that success you've been dreaming about, it's time to cosy up to —trusting in yourself and cultivating a growth mindset.

These two together will nudge you out of your comfort zone to create exactly what YOU want.

And let me highlight this —learning from others is gold and important to challenge your perspectives and open yourself up to new possibilities.

But the trick is asking yourself if their approach truly feels right to you. If deep down you know this is the right direction to go in.

If not? let it go and focus on your own path.

Want to know how to cultivate that growth mindset - go check out the 📈 Tip of the week.

What else is coming up:

📈Tips: Daily habits to Foster a Growth Mindset

☕️ Stories to remember: 'Hustle Smart: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth'

👀 Exclusive insights: Why you should build an email list before 2024

💫 Resources: Best place to know market trends and public opinion

📈 Tip of the week

As a Business Owner these are a few Growth Mindset habits that would help you get at least 1% closer to your goals

  • Allocate resources for structured experiments with clear objectives, metrics, and a timeline to encourage controlled risk-taking and learning.

  • Actively seek feedback and input from others within and outside your business for a broader perspective and better-informed decision-making.

  • Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and peers who challenge your perspectives and offer constructive feedback.

  • Adopt a "Yet" Mentality: If you find a task daunting, say, "I haven't figured it out yet." This simple shift in language encourages a mindset focused on growth and development rather than fixed limitations.

☕️ New Episode: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth

A new episode on my podcast was dropped this morning and it's a doozy!

In this episode, I talk about the questions I get asked by people who want to start or have recently started their own business. Such as:

  • If one should juggle a job while launching a business?

  • Is it better to get for clients before investing in a coach or hiring teammates?

  • Should their first business focus be content creation or their offer?

I also discuss and share why it's crucial to give ourselves room to learn, grow, and care for our mental and physical health. Oh, and my personal experiences with the above — we've got that covered too!

Catch you on the podcast - Listen on Spotify and iTunes.

👀 Industry Insights

Why you should start building an email list in 2023

Capturing attention amid the noise of social media can be a challenge.

But when someone subscribes to your email list, you bypass the noisy social media channels, landing your message directly in their inbox, without any algorithm challenges.

I say YES to that anytime 😍

Regular newsletters serve as friendly reminders about your business, boosting awareness and staying top-of-mind for your customers.

And if that was not enough, with hacking of Social Media accounts on the rise, you want to cover your bases and ensure you always have another way to contact your audience.

Revealing the Unnerving Social Media Hacking Statistics for 2023

(No, I don't want to scare you off - but hey, I can't call myself your friend if I don't inform you about these things, right?!)

Soooo..... If you're not collecting emails yet, it's time to start now!

Because an email list is not just an asset; it's a strategic advantage in the digital terrain.

Not sure how to go about this?! Check out the resources below OR feel free to schedule a FREE 30-min consultation call with me - Schedule it here

💫 Resources

📨 Hubspot Email Marketing Guide: Building an email list as a business owner is vital for direct, personalized communication with your audience. It enables targeted marketing, resulting in higher engagement and increased sales. Start now and make your business stand out amidst the online bustle. Start from here

💡Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) series: Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts from various fields share infiltered opinions that can directly impact and benefit your business. It helps in understanding market trends and connects you with a global community. Check out here

Online business growth mindsetemail marketingemail listhustle smartbusiness with full time job
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 45 | The CEO Life Round-up

November 09, 20234 min read

Happy Friday!

In my recent chats with entrepreneurs, I've picked up on something...

Many believe there's only one surefire way to success, often influenced by what's floating around online.

Clinging to this idea is a bit like navigating uncharted waters without a clear map.

Why, you might ask?

Because, my friend, you're a powerhouse, and your journey to success is as unique as your fingerprint.

What worked for someone else doesn't automatically become your secret sauce.

That's why you come across so many different opinions on what works out there.

I've seen it play out a lot—entrepreneurs chasing someone else's path, only to end up feeling stuck. Procrastination kicks in, things feel off, and every step seems like a bit much.

Sound familiar?

If it does, it means you're out of alignment.

So, if you want that success you've been dreaming about, it's time to cosy up to —trusting in yourself and cultivating a growth mindset.

These two together will nudge you out of your comfort zone to create exactly what YOU want.

And let me highlight this —learning from others is gold and important to challenge your perspectives and open yourself up to new possibilities.

But the trick is asking yourself if their approach truly feels right to you. If deep down you know this is the right direction to go in.

If not? let it go and focus on your own path.

Want to know how to cultivate that growth mindset - go check out the 📈 Tip of the week.

What else is coming up:

📈Tips: Daily habits to Foster a Growth Mindset

☕️ Stories to remember: 'Hustle Smart: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth'

👀 Exclusive insights: Why you should build an email list before 2024

💫 Resources: Best place to know market trends and public opinion

📈 Tip of the week

As a Business Owner these are a few Growth Mindset habits that would help you get at least 1% closer to your goals

  • Allocate resources for structured experiments with clear objectives, metrics, and a timeline to encourage controlled risk-taking and learning.

  • Actively seek feedback and input from others within and outside your business for a broader perspective and better-informed decision-making.

  • Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and peers who challenge your perspectives and offer constructive feedback.

  • Adopt a "Yet" Mentality: If you find a task daunting, say, "I haven't figured it out yet." This simple shift in language encourages a mindset focused on growth and development rather than fixed limitations.

☕️ New Episode: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth

A new episode on my podcast was dropped this morning and it's a doozy!

In this episode, I talk about the questions I get asked by people who want to start or have recently started their own business. Such as:

  • If one should juggle a job while launching a business?

  • Is it better to get for clients before investing in a coach or hiring teammates?

  • Should their first business focus be content creation or their offer?

I also discuss and share why it's crucial to give ourselves room to learn, grow, and care for our mental and physical health. Oh, and my personal experiences with the above — we've got that covered too!

Catch you on the podcast - Listen on Spotify and iTunes.

👀 Industry Insights

Why you should start building an email list in 2023

Capturing attention amid the noise of social media can be a challenge.

But when someone subscribes to your email list, you bypass the noisy social media channels, landing your message directly in their inbox, without any algorithm challenges.

I say YES to that anytime 😍

Regular newsletters serve as friendly reminders about your business, boosting awareness and staying top-of-mind for your customers.

And if that was not enough, with hacking of Social Media accounts on the rise, you want to cover your bases and ensure you always have another way to contact your audience.

Revealing the Unnerving Social Media Hacking Statistics for 2023

(No, I don't want to scare you off - but hey, I can't call myself your friend if I don't inform you about these things, right?!)

Soooo..... If you're not collecting emails yet, it's time to start now!

Because an email list is not just an asset; it's a strategic advantage in the digital terrain.

Not sure how to go about this?! Check out the resources below OR feel free to schedule a FREE 30-min consultation call with me - Schedule it here

💫 Resources

📨 Hubspot Email Marketing Guide: Building an email list as a business owner is vital for direct, personalized communication with your audience. It enables targeted marketing, resulting in higher engagement and increased sales. Start now and make your business stand out amidst the online bustle. Start from here

💡Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) series: Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts from various fields share infiltered opinions that can directly impact and benefit your business. It helps in understanding market trends and connects you with a global community. Check out here

Online business growth mindsetemail marketingemail listhustle smartbusiness with full time job
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 45 | The CEO Life Round-up

November 09, 20234 min read

Happy Friday!

In my recent chats with entrepreneurs, I've picked up on something...

Many believe there's only one surefire way to success, often influenced by what's floating around online.

Clinging to this idea is a bit like navigating uncharted waters without a clear map.

Why, you might ask?

Because, my friend, you're a powerhouse, and your journey to success is as unique as your fingerprint.

What worked for someone else doesn't automatically become your secret sauce.

That's why you come across so many different opinions on what works out there.

I've seen it play out a lot—entrepreneurs chasing someone else's path, only to end up feeling stuck. Procrastination kicks in, things feel off, and every step seems like a bit much.

Sound familiar?

If it does, it means you're out of alignment.

So, if you want that success you've been dreaming about, it's time to cosy up to —trusting in yourself and cultivating a growth mindset.

These two together will nudge you out of your comfort zone to create exactly what YOU want.

And let me highlight this —learning from others is gold and important to challenge your perspectives and open yourself up to new possibilities.

But the trick is asking yourself if their approach truly feels right to you. If deep down you know this is the right direction to go in.

If not? let it go and focus on your own path.

Want to know how to cultivate that growth mindset - go check out the 📈 Tip of the week.

What else is coming up:

📈Tips: Daily habits to Foster a Growth Mindset

☕️ Stories to remember: 'Hustle Smart: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth'

👀 Exclusive insights: Why you should build an email list before 2024

💫 Resources: Best place to know market trends and public opinion

📈 Tip of the week

As a Business Owner these are a few Growth Mindset habits that would help you get at least 1% closer to your goals

  • Allocate resources for structured experiments with clear objectives, metrics, and a timeline to encourage controlled risk-taking and learning.

  • Actively seek feedback and input from others within and outside your business for a broader perspective and better-informed decision-making.

  • Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and peers who challenge your perspectives and offer constructive feedback.

  • Adopt a "Yet" Mentality: If you find a task daunting, say, "I haven't figured it out yet." This simple shift in language encourages a mindset focused on growth and development rather than fixed limitations.

☕️ New Episode: Balancing Job, Clients, and Growth

A new episode on my podcast was dropped this morning and it's a doozy!

In this episode, I talk about the questions I get asked by people who want to start or have recently started their own business. Such as:

  • If one should juggle a job while launching a business?

  • Is it better to get for clients before investing in a coach or hiring teammates?

  • Should their first business focus be content creation or their offer?

I also discuss and share why it's crucial to give ourselves room to learn, grow, and care for our mental and physical health. Oh, and my personal experiences with the above — we've got that covered too!

Catch you on the podcast - Listen on Spotify and iTunes.

👀 Industry Insights

Why you should start building an email list in 2023

Capturing attention amid the noise of social media can be a challenge.

But when someone subscribes to your email list, you bypass the noisy social media channels, landing your message directly in their inbox, without any algorithm challenges.

I say YES to that anytime 😍

Regular newsletters serve as friendly reminders about your business, boosting awareness and staying top-of-mind for your customers.

And if that was not enough, with hacking of Social Media accounts on the rise, you want to cover your bases and ensure you always have another way to contact your audience.

Revealing the Unnerving Social Media Hacking Statistics for 2023

(No, I don't want to scare you off - but hey, I can't call myself your friend if I don't inform you about these things, right?!)

Soooo..... If you're not collecting emails yet, it's time to start now!

Because an email list is not just an asset; it's a strategic advantage in the digital terrain.

Not sure how to go about this?! Check out the resources below OR feel free to schedule a FREE 30-min consultation call with me - Schedule it here

💫 Resources

📨 Hubspot Email Marketing Guide: Building an email list as a business owner is vital for direct, personalized communication with your audience. It enables targeted marketing, resulting in higher engagement and increased sales. Start now and make your business stand out amidst the online bustle. Start from here

💡Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) series: Industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts from various fields share infiltered opinions that can directly impact and benefit your business. It helps in understanding market trends and connects you with a global community. Check out here

Online business growth mindsetemail marketingemail listhustle smartbusiness with full time job
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Join me on this incredible journey and let's celebrate your victories together!

Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved