
CEO life roundup


Self-Awareness: The Unsung Hero of Business Success

Self-awareness: The Secret Weapon to Your Success 

December 11, 202311 min read


In the fast-paced world of business, where strategies evolve and markets fluctuate, there's a secret weapon that entrepreneurs often overlook: self-awareness. Beyond spreadsheets and marketing plans, understanding yourself is the game-changer that propels businesses towards sustainable success. In this blog post, we'll delve into why self-awareness is the key ingredient for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the unpredictable terrain of the business world.

How Greater Self-Awareness Has Changed My Life.

Before we explore the positive impact that self-awareness can have on business success (and success in life in general), let me take a moment to share how self-awareness has been a profound catalyst in transforming my own life.

It all began with a realisation—there was a time where I found myself at a crossroads, I felt trapped and yearned for success that always seemed just out of reach. It was in this moment that I stumbled upon tools that gave me greater self-awareness. Which became the first crucial step to change the course of my life.

Self-awareness empowered me to unravel the intricacies of my challenges. It gave me the courage to make tough decisions, bid farewell to relationships that no longer served me, shed self-sabotaging habits, and ultimately, break free from the corporate world to follow the inner calling of starting my own business authentically.

Self-awareness has been a guiding light in building my business. It offered invaluable insights, shaping a more effective and authentic entrepreneurial journey.

I wouldn't stand where I am today, with increased confidence, self-trust, and a deeper sense of joyfulness and peace without the self-awareness.

Yet, the journey of creating greater self-awareness is not a one-time effort; it's an ongoing commitment and it can be challenging. It involves consistent and conscious acts of brutal honesty with oneself. It requires the discipline to pose difficult questions, delve into the depths of understanding, and take meaningful action, repeatedly.

To me, self-awareness is more than a tool; it's the very foundation upon which life and business success stand. Without it, you're destined to fall short of your true potential.

This belief underlines the core of my work with clients - it's the driving force behind my work with them and I actively incorporate it into my personal routine. Why? Because cultivating greater peace and joy in my life directly influences the success of my business. The two are intertwined, inseparable facets to help you thrive in life & entrepreneurship.

Knowing Thyself for Business Success

Understanding Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Business Brilliance

Now, let's demystify what it truly means. Self-awareness is more than just recognising your face in the mirror; it's about understanding your values, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and how you interact with the world around you.

1. Reflection: The Mirror to Your Inner Self

Start by setting aside time for reflection. In the hustle of business, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. Find a quiet space to reflect on your experiences, decisions, and emotions. What patterns emerge? What triggers certain reactions? Reflecting on your journey is the first step toward self-awareness. I've listed a couple of questions you can ask yourself to help you reflect and create greater self-awareness:

  1. What recurring patterns do you notice in your approach to challenges, both in your personal life and business? How have these patterns influenced your overall growth and development?

  2. When making significant decisions, what emotions surface, and how do they impact choices, both personally and professionally? What insights can you draw from the link between your emotions and decision-making in different aspects of your life?

  3. Recall a recent experience or decision. Did you feel aligned with your values, both in your personal and business life, or did internal conflicts arise? How can these moments guide choices in both spheres?

  4. Reflect on recent successes, considering both personal and business achievements. What strengths or qualities within yourself contributed to these accomplishments? How can you apply these strengths holistically in various areas of your life?

  5. In challenging situations, what weaknesses or areas for improvement became evident, both personally and in your business? How might addressing these areas enhance your resilience and ability to navigate challenges on all fronts?

  6. Identify situations triggering strong emotional responses, both personally and professionally. Reflect on the root causes and consider how understanding these reactions can inform your overall well-being and decision-making in both aspects of your life.

2. Seek Feedback: The Outside Perspective
Constructive feedback is a potent tool for self-awareness, yet embracing it can be a challenge. It's like standing in front of a mirror that reflects not only your strengths but also areas that might need a bit of polish. While it may be uncomfortable, staying open to external feedback is the key to unlocking personal and professional growth.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do you typically react when receiving constructive feedback, both in your personal and professional life? Are there patterns in your response that you can identify?

  2. Consider a specific instance when feedback was challenging to receive. What emotions surfaced, and how did you navigate them?

  3. Think about a time when feedback led to positive change. What did you learn about yourself, and how did it impact your personal and professional development?

By recognizing the discomfort that can come with feedback, you open the door to transformation. External perspectives act as mirrors, revealing facets of yourself that might have remained unseen. Stay open, stay curious, and watch how the power of feedback shapes a more self-aware and resilient you.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Mastering Your Feelings
Self-awareness and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. Pay attention to your emotions in different situations. How do you react under pressure? What brings you joy? Understanding your emotional landscape enhances decision-making, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being.

4. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis: Know Your Arsenal
Identifying your strengths is like discovering the gems that set you apart in the entrepreneurial landscape. These qualities are the building blocks of your success. Yet, equally crucial is the art of acknowledging your weaknesses. This isn't about self-criticism; it's about recognising areas for improvement. Think of your strengths as the arrows in your quiver and your weaknesses as areas where you can sharpen those arrows.

Understanding this arsenal of strengths and weaknesses isn't just about personal development; it's a game-changer in strategic decision-making. It's not only about leveraging what you're good at but also about being acutely aware of where you might need reinforcements. This level of self-awareness becomes particularly impactful when deciding what aspects of your business to keep in-house and what to outsource.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Reflect on your recent successes in both your business and personal life. What were the key skills or qualities you utilised? How did they contribute to achieving your goals?

  2. Consider challenges you've faced, both professionally and personally. Were there moments when specific skills or traits would have been beneficial in both realms? What can you learn from these instances to identify areas for improvement holistically?

  3. Think about the tasks in your work and personal life that you genuinely enjoy and excel at. What strengths do these activities highlight? How can you incorporate more of these into both your professional and personal endeavours?

5. Values Alignment: The North Star of Your Journey
Discovering your core values is a crucial step toward authenticity and purpose in both business and life. Begin by reflecting on moments that brought you joy or fulfillment. What values were present in those moments? On the flip side, think about times of dissatisfaction or conflict; which values felt compromised?

As you sift through these experiences, look for recurring themes that represent your guiding principles. These are your core values, the North Star illuminating your journey. Align your business with these values to inject it with authenticity and purpose. Remember, businesses rooted in genuine values resonate strongly with customers, fostering connections that endure. Let your values be the compass guiding you towards meaningful impact and lasting success.

6. Mindfulness Practices: Being Present
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, practicing mindfulness is not just a luxury but a strategic necessity. Incorporating mindfulness into your routine—whether through meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walks—serves as a powerful anchor in both your personal and professional life.

These practices enhance self-awareness by pulling you away from the fast-paced business environment and grounding you in the present moment. Why is this crucial? Being present isn't just about business tasks; it's a gateway to a more fulfilling personal life. It allows you to fully engage with moments, fostering clarity and focus not only in your work but also in your relationships and personal endeavours.

Mindfulness cultivates a heightened awareness of your thoughts and emotions, providing the mental space needed for effective decision-making, both in business and personal situations. In the face of challenges or uncertainties, mindfulness acts as a stabilising force, enabling you to respond with a calm and collected demeanour rather than reacting impulsively.

By embracing mindfulness, you not only elevate your self-awareness but also equip yourself with a valuable tool to navigate the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship and life. In a world that constantly demands your attention, the ability to be present becomes a secret weapon that enhances your resilience, creativity, and overall well-being, while also enriching the fabric of your personal connections and experiences.

7. Continuous Learning: Fuel for Growth
Self-awareness is an ongoing journey, not a fixed point. Adopt a mindset of continuous learning — view every experience as an opportunity for growth. Challenge your assumptions, seek new adventures, and be open to evolving perspectives. This exploration not only enriches your personal life but also empowers you to lead and nurture the growth of your business.

As you delve into self-discovery, a profound transformation occurs. The more you learn about yourself, the more confident and at peace you'll feel. This newfound confidence becomes a guiding light in decision-making, fostering assurance that reflects in your leadership style and business strategies.

Remember, the journey of self-awareness is dynamic, marked by twists, turns, and constant revelations. Embracing this mindset enhances your ability to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, ensuring both you and your business are in a continuous state of evolution and resilience.

Love yourself enough to know yourself

What Makes Self-Awareness the Secret Weapon to Business Success?

The Compass in Uncertain Seas

Business landscapes are ever-changing, and Entrepreneurs are constantly faced with challenges. It's a turbulent sea to navigate. In such uncertain waters, self-awareness becomes the compass that provides a steady direction. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses becomes the key to strategic decision-making, allowing you to steer your business with confidence through uncharted territories.

Leadership Redefined

True leadership originates from within. Entrepreneurs who possess self-awareness make superior leaders. They have a profound understanding of their unique leadership style, how their actions impact others, and they are always open to continuous improvement. This heightened self-awareness fosters a positive work culture, encourages innovation, and acts as a magnet for top talent, which in return attracts clients.

Innovation Springs from Authenticity

Successful businesses often stand out by bringing something authentic to the table. Self-aware entrepreneurs have the ability to tap into their genuine selves, unlocking a wellspring of creativity and innovation. By comprehending their personal values and passions, they steer their business towards offerings that resonate not only with them but also with the market.

Adaptability as a Competitive Edge

In the dynamic realm of business, adaptability is a prized quality. Self-aware entrepreneurs are attuned to their adaptability. They not only embrace change but also learn from failures and pivot when necessary. This adaptability becomes a powerful tool, positioning them ahead of the competition.

Effective Communication, Better Relationships

Communication is the lifeblood of any thriving business. Self-aware entrepreneurs excel in communication because they intimately understand their communication style. They actively listen and empathise with their team and clients, showcasing heightened emotional intelligence that builds stronger, more collaborative relationships.

Navigating Challenges with Resilience

No business journey is without its challenges, but self-aware entrepreneurs confront setbacks with resilience. By acknowledging their weaknesses and learning from failures, they bounce back even stronger. This resilience becomes a crucial factor in achieving long-term success.

The Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Self-awareness is not a destination; it's an ongoing journey of continuous growth. Entrepreneurs who invest time and effort into understanding themselves develop a growth mindset. They actively seek opportunities for learning, skill development, and personal evolution. This commitment to self-awareness contributes significantly to the growth and success of their businesses.

Freedom, Peace, Fulfilment,


In the fast-paced business world, self-awareness emerges as an unsung hero, transforming not only businesses but lives. My journey is a testament to its impact—freeing me from corporate constraints, guiding authentic entrepreneurship, and fostering confidence and joy.

But self-awareness isn't a one-stop task; it's an ongoing commitment. From reflection to feedback and recognising strengths, it's a multi-faceted gem. It serves as a compass in business uncertainties, redefines leadership, sparks innovation, and offers a competitive edge.

The journey of self-awareness is dynamic—about learning, resilience, and being present. In this ongoing exploration, we lead ourselves and nurture business growth.

In the bustling entrepreneurial world, self-awareness isn't just a tool—it's the essence propelling us to enduring success. Embracing it, we navigate challenges, build relationships, and cultivate a legacy of authenticity. It's the secret weapon ensuring we not only survive but thrive in life and entrepreneurship.

Other Resources:

  1. Receive daily journaling exercises to build greater self-awareness straight into your inbox. Join the FREE 14 day Journaling Challenge

  2. Other Blog Posts: Learn the essential role data tracking plays on business growth

Self-awareness Self-awareness in business Entrepreneurial success Entrepreneurship and self-awareness business innovation authenticity Personal growth Professional Growth Authentic Leadership Resilience Resilience in Business Adaptability in entrepreneurship
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Self-Awareness: The Unsung Hero of Business Success

Self-awareness: The Secret Weapon to Your Success 

December 11, 202311 min read


In the fast-paced world of business, where strategies evolve and markets fluctuate, there's a secret weapon that entrepreneurs often overlook: self-awareness. Beyond spreadsheets and marketing plans, understanding yourself is the game-changer that propels businesses towards sustainable success. In this blog post, we'll delve into why self-awareness is the key ingredient for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the unpredictable terrain of the business world.

How Greater Self-Awareness Has Changed My Life.

Before we explore the positive impact that self-awareness can have on business success (and success in life in general), let me take a moment to share how self-awareness has been a profound catalyst in transforming my own life.

It all began with a realisation—there was a time where I found myself at a crossroads, I felt trapped and yearned for success that always seemed just out of reach. It was in this moment that I stumbled upon tools that gave me greater self-awareness. Which became the first crucial step to change the course of my life.

Self-awareness empowered me to unravel the intricacies of my challenges. It gave me the courage to make tough decisions, bid farewell to relationships that no longer served me, shed self-sabotaging habits, and ultimately, break free from the corporate world to follow the inner calling of starting my own business authentically.

Self-awareness has been a guiding light in building my business. It offered invaluable insights, shaping a more effective and authentic entrepreneurial journey.

I wouldn't stand where I am today, with increased confidence, self-trust, and a deeper sense of joyfulness and peace without the self-awareness.

Yet, the journey of creating greater self-awareness is not a one-time effort; it's an ongoing commitment and it can be challenging. It involves consistent and conscious acts of brutal honesty with oneself. It requires the discipline to pose difficult questions, delve into the depths of understanding, and take meaningful action, repeatedly.

To me, self-awareness is more than a tool; it's the very foundation upon which life and business success stand. Without it, you're destined to fall short of your true potential.

This belief underlines the core of my work with clients - it's the driving force behind my work with them and I actively incorporate it into my personal routine. Why? Because cultivating greater peace and joy in my life directly influences the success of my business. The two are intertwined, inseparable facets to help you thrive in life & entrepreneurship.

Knowing Thyself for Business Success

Understanding Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Business Brilliance

Now, let's demystify what it truly means. Self-awareness is more than just recognising your face in the mirror; it's about understanding your values, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and how you interact with the world around you.

1. Reflection: The Mirror to Your Inner Self

Start by setting aside time for reflection. In the hustle of business, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. Find a quiet space to reflect on your experiences, decisions, and emotions. What patterns emerge? What triggers certain reactions? Reflecting on your journey is the first step toward self-awareness. I've listed a couple of questions you can ask yourself to help you reflect and create greater self-awareness:

  1. What recurring patterns do you notice in your approach to challenges, both in your personal life and business? How have these patterns influenced your overall growth and development?

  2. When making significant decisions, what emotions surface, and how do they impact choices, both personally and professionally? What insights can you draw from the link between your emotions and decision-making in different aspects of your life?

  3. Recall a recent experience or decision. Did you feel aligned with your values, both in your personal and business life, or did internal conflicts arise? How can these moments guide choices in both spheres?

  4. Reflect on recent successes, considering both personal and business achievements. What strengths or qualities within yourself contributed to these accomplishments? How can you apply these strengths holistically in various areas of your life?

  5. In challenging situations, what weaknesses or areas for improvement became evident, both personally and in your business? How might addressing these areas enhance your resilience and ability to navigate challenges on all fronts?

  6. Identify situations triggering strong emotional responses, both personally and professionally. Reflect on the root causes and consider how understanding these reactions can inform your overall well-being and decision-making in both aspects of your life.

2. Seek Feedback: The Outside Perspective
Constructive feedback is a potent tool for self-awareness, yet embracing it can be a challenge. It's like standing in front of a mirror that reflects not only your strengths but also areas that might need a bit of polish. While it may be uncomfortable, staying open to external feedback is the key to unlocking personal and professional growth.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do you typically react when receiving constructive feedback, both in your personal and professional life? Are there patterns in your response that you can identify?

  2. Consider a specific instance when feedback was challenging to receive. What emotions surfaced, and how did you navigate them?

  3. Think about a time when feedback led to positive change. What did you learn about yourself, and how did it impact your personal and professional development?

By recognizing the discomfort that can come with feedback, you open the door to transformation. External perspectives act as mirrors, revealing facets of yourself that might have remained unseen. Stay open, stay curious, and watch how the power of feedback shapes a more self-aware and resilient you.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Mastering Your Feelings
Self-awareness and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. Pay attention to your emotions in different situations. How do you react under pressure? What brings you joy? Understanding your emotional landscape enhances decision-making, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being.

4. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis: Know Your Arsenal
Identifying your strengths is like discovering the gems that set you apart in the entrepreneurial landscape. These qualities are the building blocks of your success. Yet, equally crucial is the art of acknowledging your weaknesses. This isn't about self-criticism; it's about recognising areas for improvement. Think of your strengths as the arrows in your quiver and your weaknesses as areas where you can sharpen those arrows.

Understanding this arsenal of strengths and weaknesses isn't just about personal development; it's a game-changer in strategic decision-making. It's not only about leveraging what you're good at but also about being acutely aware of where you might need reinforcements. This level of self-awareness becomes particularly impactful when deciding what aspects of your business to keep in-house and what to outsource.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Reflect on your recent successes in both your business and personal life. What were the key skills or qualities you utilised? How did they contribute to achieving your goals?

  2. Consider challenges you've faced, both professionally and personally. Were there moments when specific skills or traits would have been beneficial in both realms? What can you learn from these instances to identify areas for improvement holistically?

  3. Think about the tasks in your work and personal life that you genuinely enjoy and excel at. What strengths do these activities highlight? How can you incorporate more of these into both your professional and personal endeavours?

5. Values Alignment: The North Star of Your Journey
Discovering your core values is a crucial step toward authenticity and purpose in both business and life. Begin by reflecting on moments that brought you joy or fulfillment. What values were present in those moments? On the flip side, think about times of dissatisfaction or conflict; which values felt compromised?

As you sift through these experiences, look for recurring themes that represent your guiding principles. These are your core values, the North Star illuminating your journey. Align your business with these values to inject it with authenticity and purpose. Remember, businesses rooted in genuine values resonate strongly with customers, fostering connections that endure. Let your values be the compass guiding you towards meaningful impact and lasting success.

6. Mindfulness Practices: Being Present
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, practicing mindfulness is not just a luxury but a strategic necessity. Incorporating mindfulness into your routine—whether through meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walks—serves as a powerful anchor in both your personal and professional life.

These practices enhance self-awareness by pulling you away from the fast-paced business environment and grounding you in the present moment. Why is this crucial? Being present isn't just about business tasks; it's a gateway to a more fulfilling personal life. It allows you to fully engage with moments, fostering clarity and focus not only in your work but also in your relationships and personal endeavours.

Mindfulness cultivates a heightened awareness of your thoughts and emotions, providing the mental space needed for effective decision-making, both in business and personal situations. In the face of challenges or uncertainties, mindfulness acts as a stabilising force, enabling you to respond with a calm and collected demeanour rather than reacting impulsively.

By embracing mindfulness, you not only elevate your self-awareness but also equip yourself with a valuable tool to navigate the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship and life. In a world that constantly demands your attention, the ability to be present becomes a secret weapon that enhances your resilience, creativity, and overall well-being, while also enriching the fabric of your personal connections and experiences.

7. Continuous Learning: Fuel for Growth
Self-awareness is an ongoing journey, not a fixed point. Adopt a mindset of continuous learning — view every experience as an opportunity for growth. Challenge your assumptions, seek new adventures, and be open to evolving perspectives. This exploration not only enriches your personal life but also empowers you to lead and nurture the growth of your business.

As you delve into self-discovery, a profound transformation occurs. The more you learn about yourself, the more confident and at peace you'll feel. This newfound confidence becomes a guiding light in decision-making, fostering assurance that reflects in your leadership style and business strategies.

Remember, the journey of self-awareness is dynamic, marked by twists, turns, and constant revelations. Embracing this mindset enhances your ability to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, ensuring both you and your business are in a continuous state of evolution and resilience.

Love yourself enough to know yourself

What Makes Self-Awareness the Secret Weapon to Business Success?

The Compass in Uncertain Seas

Business landscapes are ever-changing, and Entrepreneurs are constantly faced with challenges. It's a turbulent sea to navigate. In such uncertain waters, self-awareness becomes the compass that provides a steady direction. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses becomes the key to strategic decision-making, allowing you to steer your business with confidence through uncharted territories.

Leadership Redefined

True leadership originates from within. Entrepreneurs who possess self-awareness make superior leaders. They have a profound understanding of their unique leadership style, how their actions impact others, and they are always open to continuous improvement. This heightened self-awareness fosters a positive work culture, encourages innovation, and acts as a magnet for top talent, which in return attracts clients.

Innovation Springs from Authenticity

Successful businesses often stand out by bringing something authentic to the table. Self-aware entrepreneurs have the ability to tap into their genuine selves, unlocking a wellspring of creativity and innovation. By comprehending their personal values and passions, they steer their business towards offerings that resonate not only with them but also with the market.

Adaptability as a Competitive Edge

In the dynamic realm of business, adaptability is a prized quality. Self-aware entrepreneurs are attuned to their adaptability. They not only embrace change but also learn from failures and pivot when necessary. This adaptability becomes a powerful tool, positioning them ahead of the competition.

Effective Communication, Better Relationships

Communication is the lifeblood of any thriving business. Self-aware entrepreneurs excel in communication because they intimately understand their communication style. They actively listen and empathise with their team and clients, showcasing heightened emotional intelligence that builds stronger, more collaborative relationships.

Navigating Challenges with Resilience

No business journey is without its challenges, but self-aware entrepreneurs confront setbacks with resilience. By acknowledging their weaknesses and learning from failures, they bounce back even stronger. This resilience becomes a crucial factor in achieving long-term success.

The Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Self-awareness is not a destination; it's an ongoing journey of continuous growth. Entrepreneurs who invest time and effort into understanding themselves develop a growth mindset. They actively seek opportunities for learning, skill development, and personal evolution. This commitment to self-awareness contributes significantly to the growth and success of their businesses.

Freedom, Peace, Fulfilment,


In the fast-paced business world, self-awareness emerges as an unsung hero, transforming not only businesses but lives. My journey is a testament to its impact—freeing me from corporate constraints, guiding authentic entrepreneurship, and fostering confidence and joy.

But self-awareness isn't a one-stop task; it's an ongoing commitment. From reflection to feedback and recognising strengths, it's a multi-faceted gem. It serves as a compass in business uncertainties, redefines leadership, sparks innovation, and offers a competitive edge.

The journey of self-awareness is dynamic—about learning, resilience, and being present. In this ongoing exploration, we lead ourselves and nurture business growth.

In the bustling entrepreneurial world, self-awareness isn't just a tool—it's the essence propelling us to enduring success. Embracing it, we navigate challenges, build relationships, and cultivate a legacy of authenticity. It's the secret weapon ensuring we not only survive but thrive in life and entrepreneurship.

Other Resources:

  1. Receive daily journaling exercises to build greater self-awareness straight into your inbox. Join the FREE 14 day Journaling Challenge

  2. Other Blog Posts: Learn the essential role data tracking plays on business growth

Self-awareness Self-awareness in business Entrepreneurial success Entrepreneurship and self-awareness business innovation authenticity Personal growth Professional Growth Authentic Leadership Resilience Resilience in Business Adaptability in entrepreneurship
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Self-Awareness: The Unsung Hero of Business Success

Self-awareness: The Secret Weapon to Your Success 

December 11, 202311 min read


In the fast-paced world of business, where strategies evolve and markets fluctuate, there's a secret weapon that entrepreneurs often overlook: self-awareness. Beyond spreadsheets and marketing plans, understanding yourself is the game-changer that propels businesses towards sustainable success. In this blog post, we'll delve into why self-awareness is the key ingredient for entrepreneurs seeking to navigate the unpredictable terrain of the business world.

How Greater Self-Awareness Has Changed My Life.

Before we explore the positive impact that self-awareness can have on business success (and success in life in general), let me take a moment to share how self-awareness has been a profound catalyst in transforming my own life.

It all began with a realisation—there was a time where I found myself at a crossroads, I felt trapped and yearned for success that always seemed just out of reach. It was in this moment that I stumbled upon tools that gave me greater self-awareness. Which became the first crucial step to change the course of my life.

Self-awareness empowered me to unravel the intricacies of my challenges. It gave me the courage to make tough decisions, bid farewell to relationships that no longer served me, shed self-sabotaging habits, and ultimately, break free from the corporate world to follow the inner calling of starting my own business authentically.

Self-awareness has been a guiding light in building my business. It offered invaluable insights, shaping a more effective and authentic entrepreneurial journey.

I wouldn't stand where I am today, with increased confidence, self-trust, and a deeper sense of joyfulness and peace without the self-awareness.

Yet, the journey of creating greater self-awareness is not a one-time effort; it's an ongoing commitment and it can be challenging. It involves consistent and conscious acts of brutal honesty with oneself. It requires the discipline to pose difficult questions, delve into the depths of understanding, and take meaningful action, repeatedly.

To me, self-awareness is more than a tool; it's the very foundation upon which life and business success stand. Without it, you're destined to fall short of your true potential.

This belief underlines the core of my work with clients - it's the driving force behind my work with them and I actively incorporate it into my personal routine. Why? Because cultivating greater peace and joy in my life directly influences the success of my business. The two are intertwined, inseparable facets to help you thrive in life & entrepreneurship.

Knowing Thyself for Business Success

Understanding Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Business Brilliance

Now, let's demystify what it truly means. Self-awareness is more than just recognising your face in the mirror; it's about understanding your values, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and how you interact with the world around you.

1. Reflection: The Mirror to Your Inner Self

Start by setting aside time for reflection. In the hustle of business, it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind. Find a quiet space to reflect on your experiences, decisions, and emotions. What patterns emerge? What triggers certain reactions? Reflecting on your journey is the first step toward self-awareness. I've listed a couple of questions you can ask yourself to help you reflect and create greater self-awareness:

  1. What recurring patterns do you notice in your approach to challenges, both in your personal life and business? How have these patterns influenced your overall growth and development?

  2. When making significant decisions, what emotions surface, and how do they impact choices, both personally and professionally? What insights can you draw from the link between your emotions and decision-making in different aspects of your life?

  3. Recall a recent experience or decision. Did you feel aligned with your values, both in your personal and business life, or did internal conflicts arise? How can these moments guide choices in both spheres?

  4. Reflect on recent successes, considering both personal and business achievements. What strengths or qualities within yourself contributed to these accomplishments? How can you apply these strengths holistically in various areas of your life?

  5. In challenging situations, what weaknesses or areas for improvement became evident, both personally and in your business? How might addressing these areas enhance your resilience and ability to navigate challenges on all fronts?

  6. Identify situations triggering strong emotional responses, both personally and professionally. Reflect on the root causes and consider how understanding these reactions can inform your overall well-being and decision-making in both aspects of your life.

2. Seek Feedback: The Outside Perspective
Constructive feedback is a potent tool for self-awareness, yet embracing it can be a challenge. It's like standing in front of a mirror that reflects not only your strengths but also areas that might need a bit of polish. While it may be uncomfortable, staying open to external feedback is the key to unlocking personal and professional growth.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do you typically react when receiving constructive feedback, both in your personal and professional life? Are there patterns in your response that you can identify?

  2. Consider a specific instance when feedback was challenging to receive. What emotions surfaced, and how did you navigate them?

  3. Think about a time when feedback led to positive change. What did you learn about yourself, and how did it impact your personal and professional development?

By recognizing the discomfort that can come with feedback, you open the door to transformation. External perspectives act as mirrors, revealing facets of yourself that might have remained unseen. Stay open, stay curious, and watch how the power of feedback shapes a more self-aware and resilient you.

3. Emotional Intelligence: Mastering Your Feelings
Self-awareness and emotional intelligence go hand in hand. Pay attention to your emotions in different situations. How do you react under pressure? What brings you joy? Understanding your emotional landscape enhances decision-making, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being.

4. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis: Know Your Arsenal
Identifying your strengths is like discovering the gems that set you apart in the entrepreneurial landscape. These qualities are the building blocks of your success. Yet, equally crucial is the art of acknowledging your weaknesses. This isn't about self-criticism; it's about recognising areas for improvement. Think of your strengths as the arrows in your quiver and your weaknesses as areas where you can sharpen those arrows.

Understanding this arsenal of strengths and weaknesses isn't just about personal development; it's a game-changer in strategic decision-making. It's not only about leveraging what you're good at but also about being acutely aware of where you might need reinforcements. This level of self-awareness becomes particularly impactful when deciding what aspects of your business to keep in-house and what to outsource.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Reflect on your recent successes in both your business and personal life. What were the key skills or qualities you utilised? How did they contribute to achieving your goals?

  2. Consider challenges you've faced, both professionally and personally. Were there moments when specific skills or traits would have been beneficial in both realms? What can you learn from these instances to identify areas for improvement holistically?

  3. Think about the tasks in your work and personal life that you genuinely enjoy and excel at. What strengths do these activities highlight? How can you incorporate more of these into both your professional and personal endeavours?

5. Values Alignment: The North Star of Your Journey
Discovering your core values is a crucial step toward authenticity and purpose in both business and life. Begin by reflecting on moments that brought you joy or fulfillment. What values were present in those moments? On the flip side, think about times of dissatisfaction or conflict; which values felt compromised?

As you sift through these experiences, look for recurring themes that represent your guiding principles. These are your core values, the North Star illuminating your journey. Align your business with these values to inject it with authenticity and purpose. Remember, businesses rooted in genuine values resonate strongly with customers, fostering connections that endure. Let your values be the compass guiding you towards meaningful impact and lasting success.

6. Mindfulness Practices: Being Present
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, practicing mindfulness is not just a luxury but a strategic necessity. Incorporating mindfulness into your routine—whether through meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walks—serves as a powerful anchor in both your personal and professional life.

These practices enhance self-awareness by pulling you away from the fast-paced business environment and grounding you in the present moment. Why is this crucial? Being present isn't just about business tasks; it's a gateway to a more fulfilling personal life. It allows you to fully engage with moments, fostering clarity and focus not only in your work but also in your relationships and personal endeavours.

Mindfulness cultivates a heightened awareness of your thoughts and emotions, providing the mental space needed for effective decision-making, both in business and personal situations. In the face of challenges or uncertainties, mindfulness acts as a stabilising force, enabling you to respond with a calm and collected demeanour rather than reacting impulsively.

By embracing mindfulness, you not only elevate your self-awareness but also equip yourself with a valuable tool to navigate the unpredictable terrain of entrepreneurship and life. In a world that constantly demands your attention, the ability to be present becomes a secret weapon that enhances your resilience, creativity, and overall well-being, while also enriching the fabric of your personal connections and experiences.

7. Continuous Learning: Fuel for Growth
Self-awareness is an ongoing journey, not a fixed point. Adopt a mindset of continuous learning — view every experience as an opportunity for growth. Challenge your assumptions, seek new adventures, and be open to evolving perspectives. This exploration not only enriches your personal life but also empowers you to lead and nurture the growth of your business.

As you delve into self-discovery, a profound transformation occurs. The more you learn about yourself, the more confident and at peace you'll feel. This newfound confidence becomes a guiding light in decision-making, fostering assurance that reflects in your leadership style and business strategies.

Remember, the journey of self-awareness is dynamic, marked by twists, turns, and constant revelations. Embracing this mindset enhances your ability to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, ensuring both you and your business are in a continuous state of evolution and resilience.

Love yourself enough to know yourself

What Makes Self-Awareness the Secret Weapon to Business Success?

The Compass in Uncertain Seas

Business landscapes are ever-changing, and Entrepreneurs are constantly faced with challenges. It's a turbulent sea to navigate. In such uncertain waters, self-awareness becomes the compass that provides a steady direction. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses becomes the key to strategic decision-making, allowing you to steer your business with confidence through uncharted territories.

Leadership Redefined

True leadership originates from within. Entrepreneurs who possess self-awareness make superior leaders. They have a profound understanding of their unique leadership style, how their actions impact others, and they are always open to continuous improvement. This heightened self-awareness fosters a positive work culture, encourages innovation, and acts as a magnet for top talent, which in return attracts clients.

Innovation Springs from Authenticity

Successful businesses often stand out by bringing something authentic to the table. Self-aware entrepreneurs have the ability to tap into their genuine selves, unlocking a wellspring of creativity and innovation. By comprehending their personal values and passions, they steer their business towards offerings that resonate not only with them but also with the market.

Adaptability as a Competitive Edge

In the dynamic realm of business, adaptability is a prized quality. Self-aware entrepreneurs are attuned to their adaptability. They not only embrace change but also learn from failures and pivot when necessary. This adaptability becomes a powerful tool, positioning them ahead of the competition.

Effective Communication, Better Relationships

Communication is the lifeblood of any thriving business. Self-aware entrepreneurs excel in communication because they intimately understand their communication style. They actively listen and empathise with their team and clients, showcasing heightened emotional intelligence that builds stronger, more collaborative relationships.

Navigating Challenges with Resilience

No business journey is without its challenges, but self-aware entrepreneurs confront setbacks with resilience. By acknowledging their weaknesses and learning from failures, they bounce back even stronger. This resilience becomes a crucial factor in achieving long-term success.

The Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Self-awareness is not a destination; it's an ongoing journey of continuous growth. Entrepreneurs who invest time and effort into understanding themselves develop a growth mindset. They actively seek opportunities for learning, skill development, and personal evolution. This commitment to self-awareness contributes significantly to the growth and success of their businesses.

Freedom, Peace, Fulfilment,


In the fast-paced business world, self-awareness emerges as an unsung hero, transforming not only businesses but lives. My journey is a testament to its impact—freeing me from corporate constraints, guiding authentic entrepreneurship, and fostering confidence and joy.

But self-awareness isn't a one-stop task; it's an ongoing commitment. From reflection to feedback and recognising strengths, it's a multi-faceted gem. It serves as a compass in business uncertainties, redefines leadership, sparks innovation, and offers a competitive edge.

The journey of self-awareness is dynamic—about learning, resilience, and being present. In this ongoing exploration, we lead ourselves and nurture business growth.

In the bustling entrepreneurial world, self-awareness isn't just a tool—it's the essence propelling us to enduring success. Embracing it, we navigate challenges, build relationships, and cultivate a legacy of authenticity. It's the secret weapon ensuring we not only survive but thrive in life and entrepreneurship.

Other Resources:

  1. Receive daily journaling exercises to build greater self-awareness straight into your inbox. Join the FREE 14 day Journaling Challenge

  2. Other Blog Posts: Learn the essential role data tracking plays on business growth

Self-awareness Self-awareness in business Entrepreneurial success Entrepreneurship and self-awareness business innovation authenticity Personal growth Professional Growth Authentic Leadership Resilience Resilience in Business Adaptability in entrepreneurship
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Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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