
CEO life roundup


The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 50 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 15, 2023β€’6 min read

Happy Friday!

Tis the season to be jolly, or so they say. However, for many, the holiday season brings more stress than joy

A mere 8% of people claim to genuinely feel happy during the festive season. Harvard Business Review Survey.

(More about this in πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights)

The pressure to be merry and the unrelenting societal expectations can be challenging, especially for those just starting their businesses or navigating the initial stages.

Today let’s discuss the often-overlooked stress that accompanies this time of the year.

A common stressor arises from the belief that holiday promotions guarantee increased revenue. Although discounts attract customers, they don't guarantee substantial profit boosts.

Clients, occupied with holiday preparations, often delay or cancel projects, causing a revenue dip.

The stress isn't confined to the business domain alone. Personal lives suffer too.

Participating in social events and keeping up a festive appearance can drain you, affecting your mental and physical health. In the pursuit of holiday success, you often neglect self-care.

It's crucial to set realistic expectations and plan wisely. Understanding and preparing for challenges is the first step to a balanced entrepreneurial journey.

Strategic planning, effective communication, and a focus on self-care can make the difference between a stressful holiday season and one filled with success and satisfaction.

Remember, tis the season to be prepared and resilient in the face of the holiday hustle!

What else is coming up:

πŸ“ˆTips: 5 Simple Habits for a Stress-free Festive Frenzy

β˜•οΈ Stories to remember: Build a Business everyone dreams of owning

πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights: Stress and Anxiety in during 'that' time of the year

πŸ’« Resources: Unconventional "school" for Business Owners

πŸ“ˆ Tip of the week

Amidst the Festive Frenzy: A Stress-Free Guide for Business Owners

1. Learn to say 'No'

  • You're not obliged to attend every party or event.

  • Prioritise those that matter most to you and your business. Politely decline well in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

This isn't about missing out; it's about preserving your well-being and maintaining focus on what truly matters. Plus by doing so, you allow others to do the same. Win - win situation if you ask me ;).

2. Take That Well-Deserved Break

  • More than 4 out of 10 business owners don't utilise all their paid time off.

  • If you don't take time off, you don't refuel. And without refuelling, your efficiency diminishes, even if you spend more time at work.

Refuel, and return to work recharged. It's an investment in your long-term success.

3. Mindful Eating Amidst the Festivities

  • We all are guilty of overindulging in high-calorie foods and drinks during this season. And that's perfectly okay - enjoy what you want to enjoy!
    That being said, It can take a toll on your immunity and can leave you feeling a bit more lethargic than usual.

  • To avoid that from happening, try adding healthy meals between events and squeezing in a workout or a walk in the fresh air when possible.

  • Replenishing your body with pro and prebiotics, vitamin C, B12 and lots of water can help maintaining energy levels.

It's all about finding the balance!

4. Financial Planning: Establish a Realistic Budget

  • Establish a realistic holiday spending budget.

  • Plan gifts for teammates, friends, and family well in advance to avoid last-minute financial stress.

  • And remember, it's never about the grandeur of the gifts but the thoughtful consideration behind them.

This not only prevents financial strain but also ensures that you start the new year on a stable financial footing.

5. Put Yourself First

  • While taking care of others, it's easy to forget self-care.

  • Allocate time for activities you enjoy, incorporate exercise, plan a relaxing dinner out, and prioritise a good night's sleep.

Remember, a well-nurtured 'you' is better equipped to navigate the demands of the season.

β˜•οΈNew Episode: A Path to build extraordinary Businesses everyone dreams of owning

This week we are having a renowned trainer, Sales Coach and international author, Shirley Mckinnin. She is sharing her top secrets which helped her clients sell products starting from $100,000 to $20 million. Shirley also reveals a number of ways to grow revenue before going out to the toughest one - finding new clients.

Tune in to discover the path to more revenue without increasing the advertising and marketing budget or the number of reps.

Her enthusiasm and charming personality will leave you inspired to enter 2024 with zeal!

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

🌟 Hey there, I've got a quick favour to ask you: if you've enjoyed my podcast, can I kindly ask you to please subscribe to it on any of my channels? Your subscription helps my podcast grow, and your support makes a big impact. Thank you in advance πŸ’›

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

As someone who mentors business owners, I have realised the importance of recognising the broader societal stressors.

Initially, my motivation to stay well-informed was driven by the desire to assist each of you better. However, it soon became apparent that this information is equally crucial for you to be aware of.


Because it shows you that you're not alone in this.

  • 66% feel more stressed during the holiday season. The main 4 factors are

    1. 28% experience financial stress

    2. 21% feel anxious about family gatherings

    3. 18% are stressed due to disrupted routines

    4. 17% find travelling and planning mentally draining

  • 52% report an increase in anxiety (up slightly from 49% in 2022)

  • 41% report an increase in depression (consistent YoY)

It's important to recognise that these challenges are not exclusive to entrepreneurs – a large group of people, regardless of their professional background, faces these hurdles.

So YOU prioritising your mental health during the holiday season is not just about YOUR personal wellbeing; It's also a gift to those around you!

This year try to prevent these challenges before they happen rather than ignore it until it's too late.

It won't only help you during this festive season, but also positions you for a strong start in the new year. After all, a business is only as strong as the person at its helm.

πŸ’« Resources

πŸš€ Join us for an immersive Online Live Business Strategy Workshop this Monday, December 18th at 7pm. If you're determined to make 2024 your year, don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your business strategy and create a clear roadmap for a thriving year ahead. Expect actionable insights, personalised guidance, a special surprise announcement that could revolutionise your business game and much more.

P.S If this newsletter has been insightful and informative, please consider sharing it with someone in your circle who might also find it valuable. And if they'd like to join our newsletter family, they can subscribe right here: Subscribe to Newsletter

"The best knowledge is the one we share with others."

See you next week

Online business holiday season stressschool for business owners
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 50 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 15, 2023β€’6 min read

Happy Friday!

Tis the season to be jolly, or so they say. However, for many, the holiday season brings more stress than joy

A mere 8% of people claim to genuinely feel happy during the festive season. Harvard Business Review Survey.

(More about this in πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights)

The pressure to be merry and the unrelenting societal expectations can be challenging, especially for those just starting their businesses or navigating the initial stages.

Today let’s discuss the often-overlooked stress that accompanies this time of the year.

A common stressor arises from the belief that holiday promotions guarantee increased revenue. Although discounts attract customers, they don't guarantee substantial profit boosts.

Clients, occupied with holiday preparations, often delay or cancel projects, causing a revenue dip.

The stress isn't confined to the business domain alone. Personal lives suffer too.

Participating in social events and keeping up a festive appearance can drain you, affecting your mental and physical health. In the pursuit of holiday success, you often neglect self-care.

It's crucial to set realistic expectations and plan wisely. Understanding and preparing for challenges is the first step to a balanced entrepreneurial journey.

Strategic planning, effective communication, and a focus on self-care can make the difference between a stressful holiday season and one filled with success and satisfaction.

Remember, tis the season to be prepared and resilient in the face of the holiday hustle!

What else is coming up:

πŸ“ˆTips: 5 Simple Habits for a Stress-free Festive Frenzy

β˜•οΈ Stories to remember: Build a Business everyone dreams of owning

πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights: Stress and Anxiety in during 'that' time of the year

πŸ’« Resources: Unconventional "school" for Business Owners

πŸ“ˆ Tip of the week

Amidst the Festive Frenzy: A Stress-Free Guide for Business Owners

1. Learn to say 'No'

  • You're not obliged to attend every party or event.

  • Prioritise those that matter most to you and your business. Politely decline well in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

This isn't about missing out; it's about preserving your well-being and maintaining focus on what truly matters. Plus by doing so, you allow others to do the same. Win - win situation if you ask me ;).

2. Take That Well-Deserved Break

  • More than 4 out of 10 business owners don't utilise all their paid time off.

  • If you don't take time off, you don't refuel. And without refuelling, your efficiency diminishes, even if you spend more time at work.

Refuel, and return to work recharged. It's an investment in your long-term success.

3. Mindful Eating Amidst the Festivities

  • We all are guilty of overindulging in high-calorie foods and drinks during this season. And that's perfectly okay - enjoy what you want to enjoy!
    That being said, It can take a toll on your immunity and can leave you feeling a bit more lethargic than usual.

  • To avoid that from happening, try adding healthy meals between events and squeezing in a workout or a walk in the fresh air when possible.

  • Replenishing your body with pro and prebiotics, vitamin C, B12 and lots of water can help maintaining energy levels.

It's all about finding the balance!

4. Financial Planning: Establish a Realistic Budget

  • Establish a realistic holiday spending budget.

  • Plan gifts for teammates, friends, and family well in advance to avoid last-minute financial stress.

  • And remember, it's never about the grandeur of the gifts but the thoughtful consideration behind them.

This not only prevents financial strain but also ensures that you start the new year on a stable financial footing.

5. Put Yourself First

  • While taking care of others, it's easy to forget self-care.

  • Allocate time for activities you enjoy, incorporate exercise, plan a relaxing dinner out, and prioritise a good night's sleep.

Remember, a well-nurtured 'you' is better equipped to navigate the demands of the season.

β˜•οΈNew Episode: A Path to build extraordinary Businesses everyone dreams of owning

This week we are having a renowned trainer, Sales Coach and international author, Shirley Mckinnin. She is sharing her top secrets which helped her clients sell products starting from $100,000 to $20 million. Shirley also reveals a number of ways to grow revenue before going out to the toughest one - finding new clients.

Tune in to discover the path to more revenue without increasing the advertising and marketing budget or the number of reps.

Her enthusiasm and charming personality will leave you inspired to enter 2024 with zeal!

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

🌟 Hey there, I've got a quick favour to ask you: if you've enjoyed my podcast, can I kindly ask you to please subscribe to it on any of my channels? Your subscription helps my podcast grow, and your support makes a big impact. Thank you in advance πŸ’›

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

As someone who mentors business owners, I have realised the importance of recognising the broader societal stressors.

Initially, my motivation to stay well-informed was driven by the desire to assist each of you better. However, it soon became apparent that this information is equally crucial for you to be aware of.


Because it shows you that you're not alone in this.

  • 66% feel more stressed during the holiday season. The main 4 factors are

    1. 28% experience financial stress

    2. 21% feel anxious about family gatherings

    3. 18% are stressed due to disrupted routines

    4. 17% find travelling and planning mentally draining

  • 52% report an increase in anxiety (up slightly from 49% in 2022)

  • 41% report an increase in depression (consistent YoY)

It's important to recognise that these challenges are not exclusive to entrepreneurs – a large group of people, regardless of their professional background, faces these hurdles.

So YOU prioritising your mental health during the holiday season is not just about YOUR personal wellbeing; It's also a gift to those around you!

This year try to prevent these challenges before they happen rather than ignore it until it's too late.

It won't only help you during this festive season, but also positions you for a strong start in the new year. After all, a business is only as strong as the person at its helm.

πŸ’« Resources

πŸš€ Join us for an immersive Online Live Business Strategy Workshop this Monday, December 18th at 7pm. If you're determined to make 2024 your year, don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your business strategy and create a clear roadmap for a thriving year ahead. Expect actionable insights, personalised guidance, a special surprise announcement that could revolutionise your business game and much more.

P.S If this newsletter has been insightful and informative, please consider sharing it with someone in your circle who might also find it valuable. And if they'd like to join our newsletter family, they can subscribe right here: Subscribe to Newsletter

"The best knowledge is the one we share with others."

See you next week

Online business holiday season stressschool for business owners
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 50 | The CEO Life Round-up

December 15, 2023β€’6 min read

Happy Friday!

Tis the season to be jolly, or so they say. However, for many, the holiday season brings more stress than joy

A mere 8% of people claim to genuinely feel happy during the festive season. Harvard Business Review Survey.

(More about this in πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights)

The pressure to be merry and the unrelenting societal expectations can be challenging, especially for those just starting their businesses or navigating the initial stages.

Today let’s discuss the often-overlooked stress that accompanies this time of the year.

A common stressor arises from the belief that holiday promotions guarantee increased revenue. Although discounts attract customers, they don't guarantee substantial profit boosts.

Clients, occupied with holiday preparations, often delay or cancel projects, causing a revenue dip.

The stress isn't confined to the business domain alone. Personal lives suffer too.

Participating in social events and keeping up a festive appearance can drain you, affecting your mental and physical health. In the pursuit of holiday success, you often neglect self-care.

It's crucial to set realistic expectations and plan wisely. Understanding and preparing for challenges is the first step to a balanced entrepreneurial journey.

Strategic planning, effective communication, and a focus on self-care can make the difference between a stressful holiday season and one filled with success and satisfaction.

Remember, tis the season to be prepared and resilient in the face of the holiday hustle!

What else is coming up:

πŸ“ˆTips: 5 Simple Habits for a Stress-free Festive Frenzy

β˜•οΈ Stories to remember: Build a Business everyone dreams of owning

πŸ‘€ Exclusive insights: Stress and Anxiety in during 'that' time of the year

πŸ’« Resources: Unconventional "school" for Business Owners

πŸ“ˆ Tip of the week

Amidst the Festive Frenzy: A Stress-Free Guide for Business Owners

1. Learn to say 'No'

  • You're not obliged to attend every party or event.

  • Prioritise those that matter most to you and your business. Politely decline well in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

This isn't about missing out; it's about preserving your well-being and maintaining focus on what truly matters. Plus by doing so, you allow others to do the same. Win - win situation if you ask me ;).

2. Take That Well-Deserved Break

  • More than 4 out of 10 business owners don't utilise all their paid time off.

  • If you don't take time off, you don't refuel. And without refuelling, your efficiency diminishes, even if you spend more time at work.

Refuel, and return to work recharged. It's an investment in your long-term success.

3. Mindful Eating Amidst the Festivities

  • We all are guilty of overindulging in high-calorie foods and drinks during this season. And that's perfectly okay - enjoy what you want to enjoy!
    That being said, It can take a toll on your immunity and can leave you feeling a bit more lethargic than usual.

  • To avoid that from happening, try adding healthy meals between events and squeezing in a workout or a walk in the fresh air when possible.

  • Replenishing your body with pro and prebiotics, vitamin C, B12 and lots of water can help maintaining energy levels.

It's all about finding the balance!

4. Financial Planning: Establish a Realistic Budget

  • Establish a realistic holiday spending budget.

  • Plan gifts for teammates, friends, and family well in advance to avoid last-minute financial stress.

  • And remember, it's never about the grandeur of the gifts but the thoughtful consideration behind them.

This not only prevents financial strain but also ensures that you start the new year on a stable financial footing.

5. Put Yourself First

  • While taking care of others, it's easy to forget self-care.

  • Allocate time for activities you enjoy, incorporate exercise, plan a relaxing dinner out, and prioritise a good night's sleep.

Remember, a well-nurtured 'you' is better equipped to navigate the demands of the season.

β˜•οΈNew Episode: A Path to build extraordinary Businesses everyone dreams of owning

This week we are having a renowned trainer, Sales Coach and international author, Shirley Mckinnin. She is sharing her top secrets which helped her clients sell products starting from $100,000 to $20 million. Shirley also reveals a number of ways to grow revenue before going out to the toughest one - finding new clients.

Tune in to discover the path to more revenue without increasing the advertising and marketing budget or the number of reps.

Her enthusiasm and charming personality will leave you inspired to enter 2024 with zeal!

Available now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

🌟 Hey there, I've got a quick favour to ask you: if you've enjoyed my podcast, can I kindly ask you to please subscribe to it on any of my channels? Your subscription helps my podcast grow, and your support makes a big impact. Thank you in advance πŸ’›

πŸ‘€ Industry Insights

As someone who mentors business owners, I have realised the importance of recognising the broader societal stressors.

Initially, my motivation to stay well-informed was driven by the desire to assist each of you better. However, it soon became apparent that this information is equally crucial for you to be aware of.


Because it shows you that you're not alone in this.

  • 66% feel more stressed during the holiday season. The main 4 factors are

    1. 28% experience financial stress

    2. 21% feel anxious about family gatherings

    3. 18% are stressed due to disrupted routines

    4. 17% find travelling and planning mentally draining

  • 52% report an increase in anxiety (up slightly from 49% in 2022)

  • 41% report an increase in depression (consistent YoY)

It's important to recognise that these challenges are not exclusive to entrepreneurs – a large group of people, regardless of their professional background, faces these hurdles.

So YOU prioritising your mental health during the holiday season is not just about YOUR personal wellbeing; It's also a gift to those around you!

This year try to prevent these challenges before they happen rather than ignore it until it's too late.

It won't only help you during this festive season, but also positions you for a strong start in the new year. After all, a business is only as strong as the person at its helm.

πŸ’« Resources

πŸš€ Join us for an immersive Online Live Business Strategy Workshop this Monday, December 18th at 7pm. If you're determined to make 2024 your year, don't miss out on this opportunity to refine your business strategy and create a clear roadmap for a thriving year ahead. Expect actionable insights, personalised guidance, a special surprise announcement that could revolutionise your business game and much more.

P.S If this newsletter has been insightful and informative, please consider sharing it with someone in your circle who might also find it valuable. And if they'd like to join our newsletter family, they can subscribe right here: Subscribe to Newsletter

"The best knowledge is the one we share with others."

See you next week

Online business holiday season stressschool for business owners
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Join me on this incredible journey and let's celebrate your victories together!

Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved