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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 1 | The CEO Life Round-up 

January 05, 20245 min read

Welcome to 2024, {{contact.first_name}}!

As we kick off this new year, my mind is buzzing with thoughts about the adventures ahead and the dreams I've got for myself, my business, and our awesome community.

Starting my business wasn't just about the perks of being my own boss or having the freedom to do things my way.

It's always been about something bigger—a burning desire to make a positive dent in the world and, hopefully, leave it in a more peaceful state.

But let's be real - I can't pull this off solo.

I don't have all the answers, and I sure don't have a monopoly on knowledge, skills, or expertise. Plus, as one person, my ability to inspire can only reach so far.

But together? Oh, together, we're a force that can move mountains and touch the lives of millions.

That's why I've made it my mission to help you not only rock your professional game but also design a life that vibes with your deepest values and dreams.

Because I need awesome, inspiring leaders like you to join me on this ride.

You're extraordinary, and the world could use a hefty dose of what you've got to offer.

So, if you've ever fancied being part of something epic, of unleashing the "more" you've got inside, now's the time to step up, be your unapologetic self, and become the leader who helps us move mountains.

I promise, if you decide to jump into this adventure with me, I'll have your back every step of the way—whether it's helping you crush it in your business or creating a life that syncs perfectly with your wildest values and dreams.

Next week, I'll spill the deets on a new program coming later this month that will help you with all of the above - If you want to be the first in the know, join the waitlist here! 🚀

Now, back to the newsletter - What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: 5 tactics to set & achieve realistic goals

  • ☕️ Stories to remember: Update

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: Best strategy to stand out in crowded social media

  • 💫 Resources: Strategic goal setting guide

📈 Tip of the week

Are you picking up a last-minute resolution or figuring out an action plan for some ambitious goals you set yourself?

We've all been there, pledging to be healthier, more active, or maybe to finally master a new skill. Yet, as the days unfold, those resolutions often slip away, leaving us with a sense of frustration.

Around 80% of these resolutions will be abandoned after one month. And I don't want you to be one amongst them - let’s make yours the exception.

Here are 5 tactics for you to set & achieve your goals.

  1. Be as specific as you can:

    • Instead of broad goals like "exercise more," specify the type, frequency, and duration.

    • For instance, "Attend a yoga class twice a week for 30 minutes."

  2. Goal Range:

    • Define a flexible goal range.

    • For instance, commit to meditating 3-5 times a week. This way, you challenge yourself but maintain flexibility on challenging days.

  3. Track Your Progress:

    • Whether it's a simple journal, a digital tracker, or an app, monitoring your progress provides motivation and helps you stay on course.

  4. Accountability Partners:

    • Share your resolutions with a friend or family member.

    • Having someone to share the journey with adds a layer of accountability and encouragement.

  5. Start with the Easy:

    • Kickstart your resolutions with simple actions.

    • Doing the easy things first builds momentum, making the journey seem less daunting.

*See more resources on how to set & achieve goals in the resource section below

☕️ Stories to Remember: Weekly Episodes

Going forward, we're revamping our approach to podcast updates. Instead of weekly summaries, we'll provide a comprehensive overview once a month.

Rest assured, our podcast schedule remains unchanged—new episodes will continue to drop every Friday, packed with all the awesome content you've come to expect.

To ensure you never miss a beat and stay in the loop about our latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to your preferred channel -

We've got some incredible content lined up, and I can't wait to share it with you! 🎙️ Don't miss out!

👀 Industry Insights

Did you know that a whopping 4.95 billion people engage with social media every day?

In today’s fiercely competitive online landscape, a powerful strategy to elevate your brand is through User Generated Content (UGC) Marketing.

UGC is the ultimate tool for boosting brand awareness, building relationships with your audience, and gaining their trust.

But what exactly is UGC?

It encompasses a spectrum of content, including reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, or posts created by consumers or users of a brand, which are then shared on social media.

Often, this content is generated voluntarily and without financial compensation, though it doesn't necessarily have to be.

So, why does UGC work wonders for brand awareness?

On average, a staggering 60% of consumers admit that content from a friend or family member significantly influences their purchasing decisions.

When potential customers see and hear others raving about your product or service, they become more inclined to choose you.

So encourage your customers to share their experiences on social media, whether it's writing a post or leaving a review. Get creative and consider incentivising them for their contributions—it's a win-win!

💫 Resources

📝 Have you ever set goals that inspired you, only to lose motivation after a few days? This blog post will reveal the impact of setting clear and well-defined goals. It'll also walk you through a practical step-by-step process on how to set crystal-clear business goals. Read more

🎙️ December special episode, "Strategic Goal Mastery." Whether it's a New Year's resolution or any goal in your sights, this episode reveals practical strategies for systematic goal setting. It's about progress, not perfection! Listen now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

Have a lovely weekend and speak to you next week!

Online business
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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The CEO Life Weekly Roundup Newsletter

Week 1 | The CEO Life Round-up 

January 05, 20245 min read

Welcome to 2024, {{contact.first_name}}!

As we kick off this new year, my mind is buzzing with thoughts about the adventures ahead and the dreams I've got for myself, my business, and our awesome community.

Starting my business wasn't just about the perks of being my own boss or having the freedom to do things my way.

It's always been about something bigger—a burning desire to make a positive dent in the world and, hopefully, leave it in a more peaceful state.

But let's be real - I can't pull this off solo.

I don't have all the answers, and I sure don't have a monopoly on knowledge, skills, or expertise. Plus, as one person, my ability to inspire can only reach so far.

But together? Oh, together, we're a force that can move mountains and touch the lives of millions.

That's why I've made it my mission to help you not only rock your professional game but also design a life that vibes with your deepest values and dreams.

Because I need awesome, inspiring leaders like you to join me on this ride.

You're extraordinary, and the world could use a hefty dose of what you've got to offer.

So, if you've ever fancied being part of something epic, of unleashing the "more" you've got inside, now's the time to step up, be your unapologetic self, and become the leader who helps us move mountains.

I promise, if you decide to jump into this adventure with me, I'll have your back every step of the way—whether it's helping you crush it in your business or creating a life that syncs perfectly with your wildest values and dreams.

Next week, I'll spill the deets on a new program coming later this month that will help you with all of the above - If you want to be the first in the know, join the waitlist here! 🚀

Now, back to the newsletter - What else is coming up:

  • 📈 Tip of the week: 5 tactics to set & achieve realistic goals

  • ☕️ Stories to remember: Update

  • 👀 Exclusive insights: Best strategy to stand out in crowded social media

  • 💫 Resources: Strategic goal setting guide

📈 Tip of the week

Are you picking up a last-minute resolution or figuring out an action plan for some ambitious goals you set yourself?

We've all been there, pledging to be healthier, more active, or maybe to finally master a new skill. Yet, as the days unfold, those resolutions often slip away, leaving us with a sense of frustration.

Around 80% of these resolutions will be abandoned after one month. And I don't want you to be one amongst them - let’s make yours the exception.

Here are 5 tactics for you to set & achieve your goals.

  1. Be as specific as you can:

    • Instead of broad goals like "exercise more," specify the type, frequency, and duration.

    • For instance, "Attend a yoga class twice a week for 30 minutes."

  2. Goal Range:

    • Define a flexible goal range.

    • For instance, commit to meditating 3-5 times a week. This way, you challenge yourself but maintain flexibility on challenging days.

  3. Track Your Progress:

    • Whether it's a simple journal, a digital tracker, or an app, monitoring your progress provides motivation and helps you stay on course.

  4. Accountability Partners:

    • Share your resolutions with a friend or family member.

    • Having someone to share the journey with adds a layer of accountability and encouragement.

  5. Start with the Easy:

    • Kickstart your resolutions with simple actions.

    • Doing the easy things first builds momentum, making the journey seem less daunting.

*See more resources on how to set & achieve goals in the resource section below

☕️ Stories to Remember: Weekly Episodes

Going forward, we're revamping our approach to podcast updates. Instead of weekly summaries, we'll provide a comprehensive overview once a month.

Rest assured, our podcast schedule remains unchanged—new episodes will continue to drop every Friday, packed with all the awesome content you've come to expect.

To ensure you never miss a beat and stay in the loop about our latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to your preferred channel -

We've got some incredible content lined up, and I can't wait to share it with you! 🎙️ Don't miss out!

👀 Industry Insights

Did you know that a whopping 4.95 billion people engage with social media every day?

In today’s fiercely competitive online landscape, a powerful strategy to elevate your brand is through User Generated Content (UGC) Marketing.

UGC is the ultimate tool for boosting brand awareness, building relationships with your audience, and gaining their trust.

But what exactly is UGC?

It encompasses a spectrum of content, including reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, or posts created by consumers or users of a brand, which are then shared on social media.

Often, this content is generated voluntarily and without financial compensation, though it doesn't necessarily have to be.

So, why does UGC work wonders for brand awareness?

On average, a staggering 60% of consumers admit that content from a friend or family member significantly influences their purchasing decisions.

When potential customers see and hear others raving about your product or service, they become more inclined to choose you.

So encourage your customers to share their experiences on social media, whether it's writing a post or leaving a review. Get creative and consider incentivising them for their contributions—it's a win-win!

💫 Resources

📝 Have you ever set goals that inspired you, only to lose motivation after a few days? This blog post will reveal the impact of setting clear and well-defined goals. It'll also walk you through a practical step-by-step process on how to set crystal-clear business goals. Read more

🎙️ December special episode, "Strategic Goal Mastery." Whether it's a New Year's resolution or any goal in your sights, this episode reveals practical strategies for systematic goal setting. It's about progress, not perfection! Listen now on Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music & Youtube.

Have a lovely weekend and speak to you next week!

Online business
blog author image

Gitte van de Vliert

Introducing Gitte, the business dynamo who's all about crafting thriving business foundations. With a career as diverse as her interests, Gitte has a track record of remarkable achievements. But she's not just about business; she's all about fostering meaningful relationships, embracing freedom, and cherishing good health. Gitte's on a mission, a big one! She's determined to assemble a vibrant community of 20 million individuals who actively and effortlessly empower one another to live life authentically.

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Join me on this incredible journey and let's celebrate your victories together!

Connect with me through any of my social media channels or subscribe to my newsletter, where I share all things business, health, spirituality & life.

I'm excited to hear from you, so don't hesitate to say hello!

@ Copyright 2023 - Gitte van de vliert | All rights reserved